Harry Turner 0:10
Welcome to another amazing episode. I'm excited to have my guest on today. But Welcome to another amazing episode of Is that so season three, we're focusing on Shadow Work or facing your shadows understanding that core principle that's being articulated when Carl Jung says, until the unconscious becomes conscious, it will direct your life. And you will call it fate. You see, it's been said time and time again by so many other sages and in religions in spiritual circles, that we don't see things as they are, but as we are, and so the shadow parts, they represent parts of us that are yet to be liberated that are waiting for us to bring our awareness down there so we can be liberated and reintegrate, in that reintegration process looks like you're discovering more of your truth. And the more truth that you discover remember that truth, truth trees, Love heals and truth, freeze, ignorance and freedom cannot coexist. So your liberation is dependent on you continuing to understand a deeper truth about who you are. And that requires us to not only deal with spaces that represent who we are, that feel good and are pleasurable. And we know like the first time you picked up a paintbrush and decided to paint if you're a painter, and you fell in love with it, you said, this is true for me. For the first time you grabbed a microphone and decided to you really enjoyed singing, and you said, this is true for me. Well, the first time you wrote a book, or began writing cons, or wrote anything in your journal, you say, I love writing this, this right here. This is true for me. You say we've come here tabula rasa, which means empty slate, we've come here to learn who we are not only based off of those experiences, those amazing experiences where we learn a deeper truth about who we are, but also by understanding who we are by experiences that represent who we are not spaces that represent who we are not, and your shadows and that space of shadow when we suppress and repress these experiences, and these parts of us that we don't quite understand, when we do that it manifest and another way, unconsciously. And it makes sense that it does it that we can't see how it manifests because we chose not to see, you see. And so in that space of choosing not to see what it is that is your maybe your greatest pain, you've also chosen not to see what it is that could be your greatest key to liberation, your truth, reintegration, or return to love. And so I'm excited to have my guest on Rebecca Weyermann. She is a psychic shadow worker. This is why I'm so excited. Now, I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what I mean, I do have an idea because I did a research on what people but I have an idea on what's like a shadow workers, but I really have no idea what psychic Shadow Work is. And so that's why I'm so excited because these different forms of exploring our shadows, I'm a psychotherapist. But also I'm trained in hypnotherapy. I'm also trained in different treatment modalities to help people really face the shadows. But there's so many different techniques out there finding an effective one for you is integral. And so having my my guest on is important. It's it's germane, it's relevant to understanding what we can do to truly be liberated. And so without further ado, I'm going to invite in my guest, Ms. Rebecca Whitman, the psychic shadow worker. There we go. That's it. That's it. All right. All right. All right. Welcome to the stage. Welcome to the stage.
Rebecca Wierman 4:01
Hello. Thank you for having me.
Harry Turner 4:04
Thank you for being had. That's what I'll say. Thank you for being had. Fun. So yeah, definitely welcome to the stage. And like I said, you may have heard me say I'm excited to have you on the stage. So man in so many different areas, so many different questions I have for you, but I'll begin with if you don't mind. Can you just tell the people a little bit about yourself? I'm gonna step in the background for a moment. And you just tell the people about yourself for a second.
Rebecca Wierman 4:30
Yeah, absolutely. So I'm Rebecca Wierman. I'm a Psychic Shadow Worker, student of the universe, always learning. Everyone's a teacher.
Harry Turner 4:40
We do that. Do that over you know, so I did. The banner wasn't correct. What do
Unknown Speaker 4:44
you got to my friend? I'm Rebecca Biermann. I'm a psychic shadow worker student of the universe and always on a quest to learn. I started the work that I do after experiencing so much trauma we all have trauma big T, little t, you name it, it's there, we all have it.
Rebecca Wierman 5:04
And my trauma became my pain. My pain made me a very miserable person. And with that, there was just one day I woke up seriously one day and I was like, I do not like the person I have become. Everything in my life was in chaos in shambles, I was in pain, I was hurting, I was projecting that pain onto other people. And I had to do something about it.
Rebecca Wierman 5:28
So I remember I ordered my first self help book. And from there, the rest was history. I knew I had to change my life, I was captivated by the words in the book, I was captivated by the journey that I was going to go on and how my pain truly is my purpose. And what that ultimately led me to is intuitive development. I was enamored with becoming psychic. And what I learned is that we all have these abilities. But so often, we dive straight into intuitive development. And it's difficult and it's challenging. And what I learned was, the more I sat with the discomfort, the more I started to uncover these parts of myself that needed to be healed, that needed to be integrated the needed that needed to be seen and acknowledged, I was able to become more intuitive naturally, it didn't take development. It didn't take having to sit in classes and workshops to open up my psychic channels. It came from having to go into the depths of my unconscious and subconscious mind.
Rebecca Wierman 6:35
And so this consciousness was born, I started helping people acknowledge their shadows helping people face their shadow by using shadow work tools that aren't typical to shadow work. So often when you're doing shadow work, you're in therapy or you're journaling. And as much as I love journaling. There are also times where I absolutely despise journaling. I do not want to pick up my journal I do not want to write and I started to find these other tools. I love to the Tarot. I loved things that were mystical and magical things that made my inner child feel seen and happy, whimsy, magic, the Whoo. And so I started noticing that all these tools that I would use had these archetypal patterns or they would guide me to a brainwave state. That was
Harry Turner 7:29
me jumping he had noticed. Yes, yeah, this is who they are. Let me jump in here. Now. You're getting deep into it. So let me jump in here. Yeah, you were talking about the brainwave state. All right, so please elaborate on it. What do you mean, you jumped into web right? And I'm playing devil's advocate a little bit here because you but tell me what you mean by it. It sends you to a certain brainwave state and what does that brainwave state and how did you get there?
Rebecca Wierman 7:53
Absolutely. So with meditation with yoga nidra with breathwork. Some of these and the Akashic records which I use a guided meditation approach into the Akashic records, you enter into the theta brainwave state, and the theta brainwave state is a place where deep reprocessing and reprogramming can occur. And you're in this state of neither here nor there, the Twixt. And between your body feels asleep, the mind is awake. And at this level, you're subconsciously receiving information that is ultimately going to shift the way you show up. But you have to be able to take that information out of that regression and bring it into the integration.
Harry Turner 8:34
Are you talking about flow? Are you talking about flow state? It's the flow state baby. Yes, that's what I'm talking about. So in the state of brave wing, right brainwave state, the reason why I definitely want to jump in on this one is because I've had other guests in different platforms talk about moving to the theta brainwave state and for the outlier tribe out there, I want you to understand this, when you hear a term continuing to come up, saying, Well, you hear meditation, you're probably tired of it if you never really tried it. But this theta, brainwave state, that is imperative that you understand that so go to that old Google deity and type in theta, brainwave state, so you have an understanding, so that you don't just know of what you actually know what people are referring to when he talks about this being a game changer. Yeah, please, please just tell us tell us more. And also, I want to know about the, of course, the Akashic records. I know I definitely know very little about their Akashic records. So if you want to enlighten people about that.
Rebecca Wierman 9:33
Yeah, absolutely. So the Akashic records, one of my favorite modalities to use within Shadow Work is a place outside of space or time that holds the consciousness of all things that have ever existed, things that presently exist and things that will exist, but what is time anyway, right? Everything's just happening at once in a moment, it's there. And so traditionally, the Akashic records are opened using prayer. So you say this prayer out Loud, you say parts of it silently to yourself. And then you open up the records, you can usually feel the presence of your masters, teachers loved ones, guardians or guides. However for me, because I'm a deep person, when I open the records with prayer, I don't feel much. I feel like I'm still very tuned in to my conscious mind. And so I needed to find a way that the records would work with me. And it happened with meditation, going into a deep, deep meditative state to open the records.
Harry Turner 10:32
Were What do you mean by your deep person? I heard you say that I just wanted to highlight that was like,
Rebecca Wierman 10:38
Yeah, I don't like the surface. I really do not like the surface level things. casual conversation, small talk, okay, it's great. It has its time or place. But let's get into the nitty gritty. Let's really start to understand understand each other and, and learn because everyone's a teacher, everyone's a mirror, I have something to learn from you. I have something to learn from someone I completely dislike. I have something to learn from the person I love. We have to go deep.
Harry Turner 11:06
When you say everyone is a mirror, everyone is a teacher. Is he is that what do you mean? Well, do you hear that same principle being stated? When I I like to say, yeah, there's a reflection of one so? Absolutely.
Rebecca Wierman 11:21
Absolutely. Whether it's Oh, the I don't like this trade in this person. That Okay, well, let me clarify, because sometimes we'll hear people say, Oh, well, if you don't like something and someone it means it's because you possess that trait. I disagree. I like to think that yes, number one, that could be true. But number two, it's helping you learn something about your own core values and what you stand for, and how you can continue up leveling into your own personal embodiment.
Harry Turner 11:51
Hmm. And, and I will say that on a deeper level, though, not not deeper than where you went. Right? Right, exactly what I love it, what I'm saying on a deeper level than what most people talk about it representing something about you, yourself. If you go deep enough, you realize that again, the other is no more a reflection of oneself. And so what you're seeing in that space, yes, like my sister stated, you're also seeing you're feeling your own values saying that this this is not, this is not who I am, this is not part of who I am. But also you are sensing a miss on this, you may be faced, you may be facing that friction, where you misunderstand or fall into the illusion of separateness and so in that illusion of separateness, we are more prone to be in the sympathetic state of operating fight or flight. And in the fight or flight state, we are more prone to compare to criticize others to compete against other people, then so when you see something exuded and the other that you may not possess, that is not a value of yours, but you had had the tendency or feel the need the urge to judge that person. And that is and that is an unhealthy that is not self response. That's not an authentic response to that as well. It is my now this is not for everyone else. Again, everyone has their path. But for me, it is my personal belief that stumbling blocks are not only there for me to make sure that I see so they don't fall over and but also when I see someone else, and there's a stumbling block there, if that bridge is open it that someone block is also there for me to go over there and help remove that so that they don't stumble over that as well. It's not for me to judge but judge judgment. We are in a society right now with judgment, no matter what you believe in no matter what space pretty much you're in, except for these really small spaces. But even then you still have to practice being non judgmental, radical acceptance, but be in a space of judgment with his judgment, that cannot be compassion, and judgment and condemnation. It does not liberate it only further in a process. So you have to understand what compassion is and begin to embrace that so that you can begin to extend that to the others when Milo take and we have a lot more that we're going to touch on in here because I love see synergy see when when this energy year is just it revs up and I say that also about being the person. It's been my challenge that I don't mesh with many people and I believe that that's because of for various reasons. But one of those things is that I noticed that people like to be on the surface surface fish, or maybe a little bit a little bit deeper than that. Yeah, but the depth, I tell people the key. I'm a deep fish, the deep fish,
Rebecca Wierman 14:40
the bottom feeders.
Harry Turner 14:44
I said what I tell them I'm a good looking bottom feeder. Pretty pretty hideous looking, you know, I mean, but yeah, that depth. So tell us more about the depths that you had. When you talk about trauma. Like what if you don't mind sharing what what meals for you.
Rebecca Wierman 15:01
Yeah, wow. So a lot of the shadows that came up for me and the shadows that I had to unearth and really begin to integrate were generational patterns within relationship and partnership. And so the big catalysts that day that I woke up, it was me leaving an incredibly toxic relationship, that looking back in hindsight, was a pattern that was generationally repeated throughout my family lineage. And so it was on me to really wake up and to break that pattern. And so I just started, and I didn't really know what I was doing, until I got to this point of realizing the actual work that was done and understanding the epigenetics behind all of the trauma that I've lived and all the trauma that I have experienced.
Harry Turner 15:55
So for those of us who are unaware, I love the fact that you had epigenetics when I say oh, yeah, she's most certainly kindred epigenetics it for those of us who may not be familiar with the term, Can you expound on exactly what is epigenetics? And how did you use it? How did you find it?
Rebecca Wierman 16:09
The way I look at epigenetics, specifically in relationship to my trauma, because that's what I'm qualified to speak on, right? Is in the maternal maternal lineage. So basically, the egg that I was born from, was in my mother, but that was in my grandmother, and I was part of my grandmother. So the trauma that my grandmother experienced is trauma that I experienced because I was already inside of her. So epigenetics I like to think of is like fractionalized consciousness that is scientifically embedded into our human state and lineage.
Harry Turner 16:46
I'm reading this from the CDC, what is epigenetic? Because I do like to give the verbatim science is important. Yes, it is definitely important. I'm "woo woo" but understand. I'm also scientific at the same time
Rebecca Wierman 16:59
Grounded Spirituality.
Harry Turner 17:01
Right, there we go. Thank you. Oh, but this, I love this. I love this. So what is epigenetics show, according to the CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on the topic of epigenetics, it says gene expression. So your genes play an important role in your health, but solely your behaviors and environments, such as what you eat, and how you physically and how physically active you are.
Harry Turner 17:27
And so epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work, or express themselves. I'm added the expression cells on that, unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible, and do not change your DNA sequence. But they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence. And so that's the that's the study of epigenetics. But when you go deeper into this as well, my people, you'll understand that they're looking at even Holocaust victims. And of course, I can speak as Afro American history and understandings, I mean, African American, and understanding African American history to a certain extent, on a novice level, I can see patterns and how certain events throughout our history then impacted the way that we react with our environment. And so you didn't have to go through it for you to still experience that in your body because gene expression begins to influences gene expression, the traumas that your ancestors have experienced in, in the past, we call it in religious circles has been called generational curse. So if you if you need that interpretation, to understand it, and in religious circles has been called generational curse. But really what it is, is epigenetics, gene expression events, our environment, influencing the way that our ancestors then expressed their genes and influences their genes. And when they gave birth, those that expression that change that adaptogen was passed on to the offspring. This is why you look at it as a therapist, when I have someone who tells him comes in and says, I suffer from bipolar disorder, I begin to go through the family history. And oftentimes, I may see a grandmother, it's usually the grandmother, the grandmother, who also suffered from that same thing. For whatever reason it it doesn't quite hit the child as hard, but then the grandchild, usually oftentimes I find a correlation between what's manifesting in the mental health space and the grandparents. Okay, nothing that my geeky scientific talk, but just did I hit on it. Did I hit on I mean,
Rebecca Wierman 19:41
I mean, you nailed it. You absolutely nailed it. And just to continue the scientific talk briefly. I mean, you look at like genes and like the pedigrees or what is the word I'm looking for right now. But you have those behaviors and epigenetics, and then it's the same way how different diseases and different traits like I Color are passed down. It's all, it's all a pattern in that way. And so we just have to pay attention to it. So we can break the patterns, I mean, you're not going to be able to change and radically change the color of your eyes or if you have freckles or not, but with these behaviors and these patterns, these experiences, you can change the outcome.
Harry Turner 20:18
Mm hmm. So elaborate system on psychic Shadow Work a what is? What is Shadow Work system?
Rebecca Wierman 20:28
Yeah. So the way I like to look at shadow work, it's all the parts of yourself that you have, or I should say the shadow are all the parts of yourself that you have repressed, rejected, that have embedded into your unconscious, and they directly influence your life and how you show up. Shadow Work is unearthing all of that. So you can make the unconscious conscious to live your most intuitive aligned embodied life. And so traditionally, like I said, at the beginning, Shadow Work is done. Maybe in a therapeutic setting, maybe you're doing on your own by journaling, me, like I said, I kind of have an iffy relationship with journaling. So I need to find the things that work for me. And because I am a woowoo person, and because as a child, I was really into all things magical. I had to find the right tools and all the tools that I found were more magically aligned. Taro, the Akashic records, meditation, all these different things. And so you use these as tools to help you on earth your shadow, the same way you would go to a therapist and your therapist gives you worksheets, or gives you exercises to do worksheets that you ignore. Guilty as charged. So many CBT worksheets that will just end up in a pile and I'm like, another day?
Harry Turner 22:00
Yeah, yeah. If you're seeking a life coach, nocturnal therapist is the name and Minto alchemy is the game. If you want to understand how to transmute transform, and transcend these challenges in these challenging emotions, by me at the School of outliers at become an outlier.com/links. Again, that's become an outlier.com/links, stay lit and agape. I don't know if that's appropriate or not as a therapist, but I have the way I've transitioned to teletherapy. Now I find it easier to just get a YouTube video and send it to a person who studies Becky, do that. But yeah, homework, those worksheets, that's an important part. But really what the worksheets are designed to do is the same thing that anything else that you would choose is designed to do, which is to get you to look at yourself and dive deeper. That's all it's asking you to do. Look at yourself. Because when we talking about a problem, even when we're going to friends, and why friendships, depending on what level you're on, okay, I'm gonna be Larry, maybe arrogant, but I'm gonna be a little Rebecca and I've been friends that's, that's, that's a different, that's a different scenario. Because at this point of our journey, all we're going to do is amplify one another. And we know that truth has to be there at all times. In order for that to occur, it has to be an authentic expression. Many other connections, not so much so and so many other connections will just affirm the illusion of separateness girl can you believe or boy, can you believe what what do you say to me over here, now, he said that you made I can't believe he said that to you this, that whole dialogue is matrix, the matrix talk that that that's illusion, that and and that's the only way I'm not gonna go deep into that, because we have, we have to get to some deeper things here. But understand that it's about you, that illusions that you're having in your life, it's about you. And if you remove if you choose to radically accept your experiences, you can't change what you don't accept. And so that radical acceptance, it removes the judgment part that keeps you from looking at your own stuff, because you just you, but absent judgment, you can deal with it more, or at least minimize the judgment to the extent that you can look at it and deal with it, you know,
Rebecca Wierman 24:19
yeah. And if you're judging someone else, you're most likely projecting some sort of low self worth that you've experienced or some sort of unconscious bias that you experienced on to someone else. So if you catch yourself judging, pause, what do I think about myself in this moment? How does what I just said about someone else directly relate to me?
Harry Turner 24:45
Is that not a shadow work question, that shadow work, maybe? Yes, because and you're gonna have a link to this, but the free toolkit, I haven't I printed mine out even though you it's on a web page. And I know you say on a web page, who prints things out. I'm one of the few people that still print things out. And I love it. Love it. So it made me smile when you wrote that down. And I was like, Yeah, true. True. True. People typically don't print it out. But I'm still one of those those who people.
Rebecca Wierman 25:16
So your therapist, you need your worksheets.
Harry Turner 25:19
Exactly, exactly, exactly. And it forces me to look at it too, because we can, we can ignore things. If we rely on the computer to do things for us. We can ignore certain things. It's not in our perception, our awareness. But when I print something out, now it's in a space and I don't like it is not a value of mine to be disorganized. And so when I see something standing now, it forces me to stare at. And I know that it's a universal law that whatever you stare at becomes your reality. Because perception is reality. And we have attention goes energy flows. And so since I knew I wanted to put energy into be intentional, while putting energy towards this toolkit, I printed it out and I put it in front of me. Yes, I explained the entire process to y'all because I wanted y'all to understand that there has to be some intentionality behind what you do. And intentionality reflects relationship. If you're not intentional responding to the thing in a real to you, because you're not looking at it. It's not in your awareness. And whatever we see, we don't see things as they are, but as we are. So you have to be intentional about putting certain things in your awareness that you want to integrate into your life. That's that's what will take
Rebecca Wierman 26:25
no words just beautifully satin.
Harry Turner 26:29
Thank you, thank you. I'm looking at this beautiful handout that I printed out in I will also be online if you checkout, sign up for the mailing list and check out the toolkit, but 10 Shadow Work questions to ask the Akashic records. And so I see what are my emotions telling me, I need? Why is that a really great question.
Rebecca Wierman 26:50
Emotions are just feelings, emotions aren't truth. You experience something, you can let go of tears and be happy, you can let go of tears and be sad. But what is the actual expression of it? What is it telling you you need, it could be that you just need a tissue. But if you're feeling sad, because you're going through a breakup, maybe it's telling you that what you desire, what you crave, what you have been conditioned to believe is that you need partnership to feel whole, when the partnership that you need, and that will value you know, orals will serve you best is the relationship with the self. So you need to be able to look at the information because it's it's, it's not facts. It's not fiction. It's just information that's coming in and you need to be able to look at it you need to be able to perceive it, analyze it, understand it said you can level up. It's as simple as that.
Harry Turner 27:46
Yes, thank you, I'm coming out your mind and me to say this. So thank you for that. Also, you can check out my shadow work guide as well, I'd become an outlier.com/links. But I'm about to release my one of my signature procedures for examining getting down to the shadows, cold shit. It's called Learn shit, because I love it. Because, like my and this is why I'm so grateful. Being a therapist, my clients taught me some things. And so some of the things they taught me is that they will not pay attention to anything that does not intrigue them. If they're in a state. If they're not in that pain state. Most of my clients come to me in a state of crisis in a state of crisis, you have the motivation to do what's necessary. So give me the worksheets give me whatever, whatever stop is paying, give it to me, and I'll do it right now. But as you progress through therapy, and things naturally get better. That's when people become complacent because it doesn't hurt as bad anymore. And so in that space, you become demotivated because we're relying on being motivated time motivation to pain. Instead of tying our emotional motivation to our values, when you tie your intentions to your mission, you never run out of motivation. And that's a values based decision. So that's another shift that we must make. And I completely completely got off track. Well, what what was I was I saying before this system,
Rebecca Wierman 29:08
we were talking about the emotions teaching you what you need.
Harry Turner 29:12
Yeah, so in therapy, practice, emotions, emotions, that information is in learning shit. When I come up with this process, you're gonna understand it even deeper, but emotions are our angelic messengers. They're just they're letting us know that there's an interpretation that we made, and we're able to receive that that emotion is letting us know that it's responding to an interpretation that we made. So if it's anger, or rage or jealousy, and you don't like the emotion that's present with you begin to look at your interpretation of the situation, because it's not the situation he or she or they didn't make you mad. No one can make you mad. Always. Somebody can push your buttons if you give them control the first and so no one made you anything. So it's an interpretation of what they he she, or whoever did that then led to this emotional experience. And that emotion is there to bring you into a human experience with here to have a full human experience. And so emotions are part of that equation. So when you begin to understand that, then you can go to my sister's guide over here and asked, What are my number one question 10 Shadow Work questions to ask Akashic records, what are my emotions telling me look at what she's honing in on. She's guiding your awareness to what your emotions are telling you. Because that's the key ignorance and freedom cannot coexist. And so that truth is the key to your liberation. That's part of it in my head and on system, please,
Rebecca Wierman 30:41
you absolutely are. And when you're asking these questions in the Akashic records, what is so empowering about it is like you're working with these ethereal, otherworldly therapists of sorts. Because what's challenging and doing shadow work right is, is you're kind of using yourself as your barometer as your teacher. And that can be it can be hard for people to look inwards. So when you're asking that question in the records, you're asking your masters, teachers loved ones, and they're guiding you. And so it's like, they're the teacher or therapist or whoever that is giving you the permission and challenging you to go deeper.
Harry Turner 31:20
You know what this is? This is good. Oh, thank you so much. There's so much we can see on here. Oh, okay. Let me just recap is okay, if I read through a few of the questions. Yeah, of course. These are so such powerful questions, people, what am I most fearful about? I mean, as we if I didn't know what this was, I would think that you're a therapist. This is these requests, a psychotherapist to be specific. a psychotherapist says this, yes, this she said no, no. What am I most fearful about? That's the second question. I'm gonna skip a few because I don't give them everything that five what is the overarching theme within these patterns in this life, we the Choose knowledge and understanding understanding, or we choose pain that is there only to make us aware to bring our attention this so that we can get more knowledge and understanding so we can be liberated. That's what pain is, does not tell you that you're wrong is pain is literally that amazing mechanism. That's a grab our attention immediately and say Be aware of this. And so my favorite author, Khalil Gibran, he says pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bit of potion by which the doctor within heals your six, so drink the potion and, and peace and tranquility. So when that when that when these patterns are here, and that pain is there, what are you looking at? Are you really? Are you really searching for your truth in that space? Are you just saying they they're past it? Or are they in this or that because I'm gonna tell you right now they that they that you're thinking about, that's also part of the illusion of separateness and what they are is a is an energetic being. And what you'll find is that when you exit out one energetic being they in that resolve that thing is another day that looks completely different with a different name, title and family, they come back in a scene with the same energy, which didn't lead you to the conclusion that all of they wherever they are, ain't worth nothing. They, they garbage, they're horrible, and this and that. And it's truly the fact that we're not looking at the truth. And honestly, if you want to understand data, the best way to understand that is to understand you. When you understand you, you understand date, and then you can release yourself from that judgment, because forgiveness is to relinquish your desire to see the person that has caused you harm punished. Okay, another, just two more. What is the biggest lie? I am constantly telling myself? Mm hmm. So it's the way
Rebecca Wierman 33:51
it is on you. We're always lying to ourselves, whether you're hungry, whether you want to get out of bed, these little things we're constantly lying to ourselves about and if we're lying to ourselves about little things. We're living in an illusion and we're probably lying about something much bigger.
Harry Turner 34:08
Synchronicity is stupid. Yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah synchronous, I just gotta sit with you know, because this is amazing. This is an experience. I know, I'm here to record a podcast. But as I talk to you having kindred spirits, this makes it an affirming environment. And I'm just filling the space around the space. And what you see there oftentimes says the worst lie that we can tell us a lie to ourselves. And we do do so every single day, every single day. But again, until that unconscious becomes conscious, it will direct our lives and eventually because it keeps happening, we're gonna call this fake.
Rebecca Wierman 34:46
And I love that quote by Jung because so often, especially in more spiritual communities, we are always thinking about our fate. We're going oh, I need to live my fate I need to live my fate, and I always tell people is like you do not want to live your fate. You want to live your destiny. So your shadow is going to move you from your fate of life into your destiny. We grow up thinking, Oh, it's fate that we met and no keep me far away from I don't want fate. I want destiny i want truth is shadow.
Harry Turner 35:22
Yes, yes. Oh my goodness. Yes. And finally, number nine, how worthy do I believe I am. And that's a biggie that right that I hit that hits home with myself speaking on myself keeping a light on myself and being vulnerable in this space, and being authentic. But this has been my greatest struggle, the struggle of self worth. And truth is all of ours, but particularly for people I find who end up being teachers of some sort. That's self worth, really, that's a big one to self acceptance. It's a really big a big journey, a big experience a big understanding. It's a lot there that we have to deal with. And I don't know why that is. I don't understand that pattern as of yet. I don't understand it as of yet. But it is one Why did you add this into the shadow work? Question sasta Akashic records, how worthy do I believe I am.
Rebecca Wierman 36:16
Because we're all worthy. We're worthy of everything we want everything we desire. And it's one of the biggest, like you said, the biggest challenges that people face on a day to day basis, whether it's showing up in impostor syndrome, whether it's showing up in relationships, whether it's showing up in your career, it usually relates back to worthiness. So if you do not think you're worthy, you're not going to be able to step into your destiny. Your worthiness is directly directly tied to how you show up. If you have low self self worth, you're going to be in the matrix, you're going to be judging, you're going to be projecting, you're going to be facing these tests and triggers. But if you know that your worth is aligned with your purpose, you're able to transcend and you're able to really stay in your lane and stay focused.
Harry Turner 37:04
I love sharing the stage with you.
Rebecca Wierman 37:07
Likewise, my friend.
Harry Turner 37:11
Oh, man, it's so good. I wish somebody else could be here to interview and I could just sit here and just listen to your spine because yeah, you feel like home sister you feel like? Yeah, this is so powerful. One of the my last heavy depressive episode I was in happen the last year around January, February, not taking care of myself working too hard. And a friend's anniversary came up he completed suicide some years prior to that. And the the instantaneous inspiration that I received when I finally began to look okay, I know Harry, don't waste your pain. What do you need to be aware of here? And so one of the most powerful insights that came out of that period is to seek approval from without is already to acknowledge that one disapproves of themselves from within. Wow.
Unknown Speaker 38:10
What a privilege to receive that message.
Harry Turner 38:13
Sister, thank you so much for being on this on this on this set. I want to I'm not done with you yet. But I know we've all been towards that in and I want to ask you, I guess a more surface level question. Okay. There's more mid level. It's mid level. I'll give it mid level. I'll
Unknown Speaker 38:30
take it. Yeah, mid level.
Harry Turner 38:32
So what do you mean by psychic shadow worker? So for those of us who are a little while xenophobia kicks up naturally whenever we have unfamiliar, unfamiliar concepts or things and so for those of us who hear psyche can immediately want to begin to throw holy water all over the place. What do you mean by psychic shadow or what is a psychic what makes you a psychic shadow worker.
Unknown Speaker 39:01
So there's layers to this right, definitely not surface level at all or mid level. So number one, we're all psychic. Psychic doesn't mean communicating with the dead. Psychic means living in your own personal authority and trusting your intuition. We are all intuitive beings. You have intuitive abilities. When you on earth your shadow and you integrate your shadow You are directly tuning in to your own self awareness and your psychic gifts. You're going to be able to start trusting yourself in a new way, in a way that you have never been able to trust yourself before. That's being psychic that's being able to make a choice follow it without seeking the approval of anyone else. I call myself a psychic shadow worker because I am going to use my psychic abilities to mirror to you what you are ignoring what you are hiding what is living in you Your shadow, because your shadow was your superpower. And being psychic is a superpower. So let's move from the shadow into our own innate intuitive abilities.
Harry Turner 40:11
It's so good to have you on your system seriously. And again, the synergy to be Wait, we can do it. This is why I am so grateful. I thought that the podcast was only was more or less for the people. And it is for my outlier community and beyond our communities. But also I find that I'm connecting with kindred spirits through this platform and a way that I've never been able to, and that shifts this this this false narrative that I'm the only alien on this planet.
Rebecca Wierman 40:47
Right, right.
Harry Turner 40:51
So thank you for being an affirming space. And thank you for answering my invitation like accepting my invitation to come on the stage. And please, if you don't mind, can you tell the people one more time where they can find you at?
Unknown Speaker 41:05
Yes, you can find me at this consciousness.com. Or you can join my free community group the scattering, that's thisconsciousness.mn.co, and you'll just go to my website, thisconsciousness.com you can find it and I'm throwing out psychic Shadow Work exercises giving all this information information away for free just to help you really begin to honor yourself and live intuitively.
Harry Turner 41:34
And please check out the site. Like I said, I've definitely checked it out. I printed out the toolkit I'm part of the community, and you won't regret printing out the toolkit.
Harry Turner 41:44
The only regret that you may have is if you merely sign up and look at it and do nothing else with it. Yeah, so move to stage choose this choose a stance no matter what it is you can wax on wax off, it doesn't matter you can be you can choose I'm going to be a master being a circus clown. It does not matter what you choose to master, I want to I want to I want to emphasize this because what you realize is that no matter where you stand, no matter where you begin, just like the earth, when you dig deep enough, we all reach the same sin, I'm not going to tell you what to master as my favorite author states. Seek not the path to God, but rather, seek to find God on your path. And so I will not tell you what direction to go without telling you to do is choose, choose you and choose what's true to you. And when you hear things that's true for you move on, you have enough time, choose you and be intentional about digging deeper. And let me know email me prior to download the toolkit and and send me emails, if you want to download what you thought about and whatnot. I know it's gonna be great reviews, and I know it's gonna help you dive deeper. I wouldn't recommend it. If if that were not the case. I went ahead on the stage today if that were not the case. So again, thank you, sis, I just want to say that again. I want to express my deep gratitude and appreciation for you being here and sharing the stage.
Rebecca Wierman 43:05
Thank you, Harry, I'm so grateful. I'm so grateful for you in so many ways. Thank you.
Harry Turner 43:10
So there it is, my family. My Outlier Tribe. My kindred spirits out there who may not be part of our tribe yet but I know that your family this was a and this is a life changing can be a life changing episode for you. If you really take it in remember, "the mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open." And what these what us what true authentic guides are seeking to do is to assist you in moving from your head to your heart. That's a long the longest journey any of us will ever take. And also remember that wherever you go, there you are, so you can't run from you. Choose choose you and choose today. Choose a stance, choose a guy choose away and then just moving out I don't have to be perfect. Don't worry about choosing the right path. Because as long as you choose you'll find your way you just have to choose life will meet you halfway It's a dance. So just choose and enjoy the dance. Again on the nocturnal therapist, I appreciate you outlier family and this has been another insightful and just enlightening episode of season three of is that so when Rebecca we're men, so grateful to have met that sister. And hopefully y'all make those connections as well too. And we joined Datura it's about community. And lastly I'll say on the note of community understand that when we are asked to lead water molecules waves again, waves they can be determined based off of the height can be determined based on how many water molecules oscillating to the same frequency I seek as well as other teachers to see to raise the frequency of this physical plane so that we have enough water molecules oscillating to the same frequency in this ocean of life, that we become a tidal wave, a tidal wave that radically changes this world for the better. We have some major things we have to face. There's war. There's calamities, natural calamities, global warming. It's time for us to choose us. It's time for us to unite. It's time for us to break this illusion of separateness and come together to really solve these issues and return to love. Again, nocturnal therapists, y'all stay lit stay living out.