Harry Turner 00:10
We gotta get right into the show yo, I have a very special guest. I am elated to introduce y'all to the Inside Out coach Karen Maloney, Karen Maloney. Now, I'm gonna give Joe a little bit not gonna give you too much. Now, let me give you a little bit about where she's at. And if you go to a website, you understand or understand that self belief equals possibilities. And so she's also a mindset and self belief coach in her, her her passion is to bust your inner critic, build your self belief and assist you to be who you were born to be come home, so she is definitely a kindred spirit. All right, and I'm excited to have I don't even know how we're gonna flow but we just gonna float away that we float. And I'm not framing on purpose. I'm telling you out. But y'all know how I get down. Y'all know how we get down here. So welcome to another episode of Is that so Season Three featured guests Karen Maloney, so this is gonna be a special ones, y'all. Hold on just a second. Wow. Welcome in my guest. Welcome. Welcome. Oh, how you doing? Miss Karen Maloney How you feeling today?
Karen Maloney 01:17
Hello, Harry. I'm feeling good.
Harry Turner 01:19
I'm excited to have you on here. And I don't want to waste any time I want to jump right on in and, and just tell the people a little bit about who you are, what you're about. And what's your passion? Like, why are you? Why did you get with this crazy nocturnal therapist to do this podcast? Like what is your passion?
Karen Maloney 01:35
Yeah. Well, it's a pleasure for us to join you, Harry as well. Thanks for having me. And I can't even remember how we connected. But as they say, There's no such thing as coincidence. So I'm happy to be here and join and share. And really my passion is about the inner work. It's about helping people become limitless to move through their own judgments, criticisms, inner talk that can be so destructive at times and living life on their terms and just being happy no matter what, and finding the love and the light. And that doesn't mean it's all like airy fairy and no problems. No, we do. But we build tools and skills to help us move through everything. And especially when things are challenging or difficult. So that's really my passion and helping people wake up to that other way of living.
Harry Turner 02:28
Okay, I believe, again, there's some there's there's synchronicity, every guest I have on here to synchronicity with. And so what I'll say is, recently, I put out a real in a speak, I spoke of the three birds, the first birth being the birth of us coming to being as for my mother's a second birth, being the adoption of the parental psyche, and everything that comes along with our timeline and story, our name and the way that we look in our bodies, other attributes. And unfortunately, many people will remain in that second birth at that a second birth, there will be no more births for many people. And that's because we get lost in this, this place, this physical space of Is-ness. And so we get attached to like, I will respond to for, for instance, I will respond to racism, for example, as a black man, but understand that even though I'm a black man in this physical space, I am not a black man. I'm an energetic, I just happen to manifest as a black man in this space. So there's certain things, certain nuances, certain things I gotta address, because I've come here to have an experience. And so this experience I'm having is as a 'black man', but I'm not a black man, I'm an energetic being. And so I can separate the two. But that third birth is moving into understanding that you are an energetic being and learning well how your energy manifests. like truly the pure the core of you manifest, and then developing a plan of approach to life based off of that. And so it's you understanding that you must shed what you've inherited, which is limiting beliefs and fears of yesteryear and then move forward into your what is inherent to you your most authentic, highest self, where you are clear minded and you can move with passion, and also purpose.
Karen Maloney 04:19
Yeah, I agree is no They say life is all about, I can't remember who said it, but this this idea of learning to die before you die, and that's dying to your identity, to your limiting beliefs to your roles to all these different human aspects. And yes, we're here having this physical human experience, but like that, it I believe the journey as well is remembering the higher truth of all of us. And yes, this is the suit of clothes and the biological spacesuit I was given for this incarnation and this journey this time. This was your suit of clothes that you were given this time, but it's connecting to and remembering and this is the work of connecting back to the truth. We're all creation, we're all from source there. Yes, there are differences in this physical human reality. But there was this analogy used that Marianne Williams used before. And of course, miracles, It's like. . . If we identify ourselves on where we land, like a spoke on a bicycle wheel, and all the spokes, we as humans, we identify with ourselves based on where we land on the wheel. But if you follow any of those spokes back, they all come from the same center, and were the exact same the human race. And I believe half half the issues is, we have forgotten that. And that's why we focus more on the separation, and the perceived differences we have, as opposed to the deeper truth of that oneness and the connection. And I believe this is part of the human experience to come here. And remember that truth, and that is, through energy work as well for Dolores Cannon is another teacher, and she talks about how this earth school is our school, and we don't even need any other school. Yes, it's good to learn English and maths and whatever. But Earth in and of itself, life is its own school. And it's about learning how to manipulate energy. And we can see that we can manipulate energy in many ways. And because we are all from creation and source, we have the power and potential to create, like source. There there is freewill. So that's why we can create and be creatively destructive. And we see a lot of that happening. Or we remember our truth in our life. And we create more joy and peace and harmony. And I believe that's the kind of Crux for where we're at as well as a species. As a human race. We are really in transitional times.
Harry Turner 06:50
So okay, brilliant, brilliant, a bit of a, maybe a challenging question. I don't know. But my question that I pose to you is, how even knowing this right? Even even with the remembering and knowing this, what do you believe is the the most loving path when addressing societal ills? What do you believe? How do what path should light warriors or workers take when it comes down to social ills? Because silence is acquiescence. So how do you address these real life? When when when the rubber meets the road? And you're face to face with pure evil?
Karen Maloney 07:30
What do you do? Yeah, and this is the real challenge of life. Because when we are really confronted with that issue, that challenge right in our face, it's really difficult to be able to go within, and remember oneness. But that's why it's like everything. It's a practice, we do it when we're not in the challenges. That's why it's a daily discipline. That's why it comes down to us and us, first and foremost, our relationship with ourselves or in our work, we often wait and look outside of ourselves that, oh, the government's going to sort of society's going to sort of the big companies are going to sort of say, What can I do, I'm just one person. But this is the reality of it. One person, each of us doing it individually, one person at a time, builds a whole force. When you think about it like this, this blows my mind sometimes, and I think about it even more, and things like that, and I can truly if we woke up and we worked on ourselves and remembered the truth of ourselves, and see the innocence in our brother. I'm like, without people so disconnected from ourselves and living in fear. The people who make arms and guns, they have no one to buy that we are so powerful, we feel like we have no control. But when all of us humans, and I believe in has to start individually, we cannot wait for someone or something outside of us. We started we start now. And we practice daily, within our everyday life. And this is something I talk about as well to purpose and legacy. And for me, I'm like purpose feels like a job at times, where I'm like, legacy is everything. And we're all leaving a legacy, whether we realize it or not in every single interaction that we have in our daily lives from how we smile at someone passing us on the street or not, or legacy is day in, day out. And when we begin to remove ourselves from the fear story, start to go within and see what is it Why am I holding these beliefs? Why am I thinking this way? Why am I going in judgment? Why am I afraid to this other person? And when we start asking ourselves these questions, we uncover a lot of truths. And the more that we kind of again, die to ourselves, we're reborn and even when you think about it every single day, every single moment is a brand new moment to make a new decision. It doesn't matter what we did before, but we can keep playing the same patterns and we have in pink, because when we kind of forget how short and fragile life is, we can often just see the long picture of Oh God, well, I have forever and we still have 50 - 60 years. And it can kind of seem never ending are all same same, I have this plan, I'm going to work, I'm going to retire this age, I'm going to do this. And it all seems very same same me. But even like the pandemic has shown us like, everything can change in an instant. But when we're so fixated into this physical reality, we forget how life is unfolding moment to moment. And every moment is a brand new moment. And again, what has happened the moment before, we still have a choice right now to make a new choice. But we will never realize that again, until we go with it until we come off the fear story until we get present within ourselves and within life.
Harry Turner 10:57
I believe now that appropriate time for me to sing. Is that so? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, you flow it. Buddha flowing. Oh, I love it. I love. So if you defeat the enemy within the enemy without Ben, do you know how and that's essentially what you're saying? I mean, I believe that's what I'm hearing.
Karen Maloney 11:16
Absolutely. Absolutely. When we unravel and see and bring the light to the darkness that we hold within that we all have, like, we don't have to have gone through major trauma in our life. Yes, people have, yes, shit happens. But no matter what we all still have darkness within even if we have the most perceived incredible upbringing. Because again, we're always implicitly and explicitly observing things taking things in because up until the age of seven, we don't have the beta brain, we don't have the filtering mind. So we're literally hypnotized. We're like in the hypnotized state. And we are taking everything in even when we're not conscious of it. So we all have darkness, we all have inner issues. And I was only thinking about this, I think was yesterday, the day before and how much I have changed and how much more relaxed I am in any situation and how I can be around awkward situations or conflict or differences. And I don't get defensive like I used to. And I was thinking about this. And I was like, why was that? I was like because I felt so awkward. Period full stop within me. That awkwardness went everywhere with me. Because it was in me it had nothing to do with the situations. It was me it was something I carried within so it came everywhere with me. So when I worked through that, and I no longer have that awkwardness. Yes, sometimes it comes up but again, that's why I have my tools I practice when I'm not in it to remember and come back to present be like, it's okay. I can be here I can have this conversation. It doesn't mean I have to agree. We're all okay here. So you know, again, it's what we carry within mercy. Oh,
Harry Turner 13:01
this is so good. Oh, I'm so I'm serious. I'm so sincere, right? That is so good.
Karen Maloney 13:07
But this is this is when like when I go into conversations as well, I get the opportunity to just flow and speak because I get because when you're present as well, you're not worried about Oh god, what am I gonna say? What questions it's gonna ask How am I going to answer am I going to come out looking good or not? When I am present, I can allow that truth and that light and that essence that is all of us to flow through. It's it's all of us. It's the truth of all of us, when we do the work and connect to it.
Harry Turner 13:33
Mm hmm. Yes, it's our truth. And so this is full for those of us who have experienced major traumas and unfortunately, cannot escape those trials. As far as the the the physical manifestation, the whatever the situation involves, know that fear is a choice, danger reality, but fear is a choice. And I'm telling you this because this is the same thing I've I've had to coach myself through because I've had big T's as well as little T's. And so with the big T's, I tell myself I literally have to coach myself that that that dangerous reality but fear is a choice. And all fear is false evidence appearing real and that fear when it's introduced into the energetic beings that we are a cause a static it causes an interruption in the frequency that we are and so there's less flow we become more chaotic and we become more destructive, which didn't manifest in this physical reality as being more destructive and chaotic and violent. Understanding that I can better understand how what relationship what what relationship I should choose in this moment. What I choose in this moment and just so you don't get lost what I mean is that there is the small AI that consists of our attributes Yes, in this space, I am a male Yes, in this space, I am black and so on so forth. But that's a small lie. That's the subjective human experience. We are the AI behind the AI we are the large AI we are the awareness behind the AI So that awareness gets to choose which eye it wants to experience life through.
Karen Maloney 15:06
Yeah, absolutely. But again, you know, my take on things as well is like, don't, you know, and it's really hard because again, I've gone through big T's and small t's, and we can feel so broken. And like, it's so full of shame and like it was our fault. But my passage is always it's never your fault. Absolutely never your fault. And our body is so intelligent, that no matter what way we're living now, there were survival mechanisms, and they were coping mechanisms, and everything is medicine. And I mean that in every sense of the word whether someone turns to drugs, or gambling, or work, or whatever the case is, that is a medicine that helps a person at a time to literally survive at times and to move through the trauma. So there is no judgment. But what happens is, then we can cheat, we become so habituated, so we're just living out our habits. And it becomes familiar to our brain. So anytime we tried to go make change, or remove ourselves from a situation that we know, is really bad for us. We note like, nobody is stupid. But just know that it's a pattern in your brain, your brain will do anything. Even if that familiar is so destructive to us. It's just the way our brain is programmed. So again, it really comes down to being educated and knowing that and knowing that you're not messing up, you're not messing up if you know you have this feeling that you want to leave or change something, and then you try and you can't you go back to the way you were. It requires persistence. And for me as well, what it really required was, first of all, connecting with my body, and learning to calm my nervous system. Because when we go through traumas as well, we separate and I lived from my mind, I was not connected to my body was like this thing that followed me around. But I thought I was like I can overthink everything. If I can plan everything to a tee, if I can try figure out all scenarios of what possible situations might happen. If I can think that, from my mind, I'm safe. But what does that do, it just drives you insane and like keeps you living in the future and highly anxious and in fear. But so that was crucial for me first and foremost, to learn to calm my nervous system to connect back to my body. Because, again, there's this line in the course Course in Miracles where the only place where divine time intersects with linear time is right here right now. And our body is our vessel to be present. Because my body is always in the know, no matter where I spin off to in my mind. Or if I go back to the past, or I'm off in the future, my body is always in the here and now. So the more I have a body awareness practice, the more I am bringing myself out of my mind out of the fear story. And believe me, every time I spin off, and I go off in a rabbit hole of fear or overthinking or worry your thoughts, which still happens. Every time I catch myself, I'm like what has happened, I'm just not present, I have disconnected from my body. And every time I connect back to the present the here and now, nine times out of 10 Everything is fine. Or if it's not fine, it's at least not as bad as I was thinking it was. So again, coming back to presence, coming back to our body, calming our nervous system, learning to be in communication with our body, it gave me and it gives us all a segue to get to our mind to see what the hell am I thinking in the first place? Why am I keeping myself in this situation when I don't want to? What are the stories and the narratives coming up? Because again, we live in a mental world. And if something doesn't have a consciousness operating on it, it can't exist. So we're creating through our thoughts all the time. But again, we're so habituated, we often we don't think we don't know what we're thinking, because it's there just so quick and we're not present.
Harry Turner 19:00
So encouragement to think about your thoughts, or to know thyself, which is the number one rule telling you as a freedom cannot coexist.
Karen Maloney 19:09
It's a choice. You cannot live in fear and love at the same time.
Harry Turner 19:14
It is a choice. And so the choice realizing that there's a choice there, that fear is a choice.
Karen Maloney 19:22
Again, because I know back in the day, I didn't realize I had that choice, but that choice wasn't obvious to me because I was so into the fear program. I did not rest, like I did not stop because I thought if I stop, well, first of all, I didn't know what the hell was going to come up. And secondly, if I stopped I wasn't being a good human. I wasn't being productive. I wasn't going to succeed. I wasn't going to achieve and accomplish all these dreams I had. So rest was bad. I could not stop. But so I didn't realize I had a choice. It was actually only through a major trauma that I wake up woke up to the fact of Oh, hang on, I have the choice. twice here, I can continue to feel absolutely crap, missing out my life, blaming myself thinking of all the horrible things or what went wrong and replaying this, or I can accept that this has happened and start rebuilding my life. And it was like in that moment going, oh, yeah, it seems so obvious. But before then it wasn't because again, by we're on we are on all the time, our nervous systems are constantly on, we're living in the stress, energy all the time. So we cannot, we don't have enough time to start. We live there as a baseline and stress and fear, we might have moments of happiness of joy of love. But then they're fleeting, they're just a moment, because this is our, our baseline, again, we we cannot be in both, we can flip really quickly. But again, that's just going to bring more franticness. So it's, again about going within and flipping the internal script to have that love that ease that flow that trust as your baseline. And yeah, you'll flip out into fear and anxiety, all emotions are welcome. But you come back, and you come back quicker. And again, it comes back to presence and being connected to the body. Because when you have that perspective, you have a bit more space to be aware of what you're thinking. And you can choose your response, as opposed to just being reactive, reactive, reactive, reactive reactive, that one's just living reactive,
Harry Turner 21:27
you can choose which you embody. So that's it, you you take a pause realizing that you're the I believe that you are the awareness behind the thoughts and you ask yourself, what type of relationship do I want to have with this present moment, you get to decide what type of relationship you can have with the present moment. That's, that's part of your power. That's that's what the power of being present is. That's the power of awareness. Knowing that you get to choose what relationship otherwise the reactive part, you will go down the same old neural pathways that are best formed, because the fear the neural pathways, that fear that you have or doubt and fear, those are the most well built, because that's where we are fine tuning to begin at, at the hunter and gathering stage of the story of protection. We're going to chronic fight or flight state again, the story of connection versus the story of protection versus the story of disconnection. 400 million years ago, we had the the fight or flight state, the story of protection came in. And so that's where we compare and criticize and judge and make downward comparisons of other folks. But it's really a form of us protecting ourselves and honestly, because that evolved 400 million years ago. That's sort of kind of our default state for no no matter no matter what you can, you can ask the dalai but that's why these practices are essential because a life of authenticity is life of skillfully practicing living through your values. It's not a life of never getting lost. Because sometimes you got to get lost in order to find yourself. It's understanding that you are to skillfully practice living through your values because your values are their own thing that feeds your higher needs. Your growth needs, these needs that give you fulfillment. Your basic needs will keep you existing, it's your growth needs that bright, make life life to spend your entire life earning a living. It's not a living. That's a dying. Life is not about earning a living. It's about earning a life, leaving a legacy. If you're seeking a life coach, nocturnal therapist is the name and mental alchemy is the game. If you want to understand how to transmute, transform and transcend these challenges in these challenging emotions, buy me at the School of outliers at become an outlier.com/links. Again, that's become an outlier.com/links stay lit and agape.
Unknown Speaker 23:52
We have been given the gift of being creative creation, first and foremost. And we come here to create like, We are the director, the producer, the writer, the author of her own life. But again, when we think about it, because we've all heard this, I think most people cognitively understand that they're like, Yeah, that makes sense. But we're not living it and why aren't we living it? When we are born?
Karen Maloney 24:18
We are pure potentiality we are pure consciousness. We are an absolute blank canvas, every single child that comes in, and that for me when I remember that connection as well, that helps me when I am judging a person who is doing really horrific things, Mike, but hang on. I know that's not the truth of them. Because no single baby is born evil. Absolutely no way. It's true their life. It's true their life circumstances, their environment, how they had to adapt what they had to learn in order to survive or to fit in because again, we all have to fit in no matter what environment we come from. So that really helps because it's like that's not the truth that I know without a shadow of a doubt, I don't care what they're doing in human form,
Harry Turner 25:04
we don't understand we can be ourselves and not ourselves. That's what I call being selfish. being selfish is like a blue, something is blue, but blue ish, you know that it's blue, but it's some kind of all primal purpose being selfish they themselves but not quite themselves. And so I take a different definition of work. Not that person says intently choosing to prioritize themselves, but the person is so fractured in that state of being of where they are because of fear. Because chaos means that we are, in fact, they've been fractured to become more egotistical. And the state of being more egotistical we give in to the illusion of separateness, we fall deeper in the matrix. And in that illusion of separateness, we fall deeper into that, that default state of hunting and gathering want to protect ourselves holistically. And so then the other becomes the enemy. And that's why the the the the say is the enemy within an enemy, when I was talking to you, guys, you will begin to understand is no enemy, stiff fear in the system, that is the only thing that's holding the system here. And that is something that that's, that's attach this bugged Paris that's attached to the energetic being that you are. So the goal is to help yourself, remember, continue to remember how these experiences Never waste your pain, that pain is only there, not to judge you. But to attend to this right here. You pay attention when you're going down to a deeper truth of who you are. And when you can take your artist stand out, you know, because there's gonna be a lot of surprises in life, when you take what you thought you knew, you understand, and you combine that but you'll gain insights through your experiences through your pain, and you actually leaning into that pain and actually paying attention to what that pain is trying to show you. And then you combine that with integrating, integrating what you learn your truth into practice. That's what I call inner standing. It's a combination of understandings plugging insights plus integration, practice. Now you'll live through practice, co practicing living through your values, excuse me, and that is a life of authenticity and a life of authenticity is a life of skills, not only skillfully, directly with your values, inherent human wish, true to who you are, and allow that if that you are to come to full manifestation to full fruition, unhindered is out the box. But the true you the truest form of you?
Unknown Speaker 27:25
Yeah. No, that's yeah. So and, again, it's available to all of us. And I think most people like getting into that maybe there's something more I have all the power. If we don't do it for ourselves, nobody can do it. You know, I don't have time I understand. Michael says, I get it. But I had no practice. So when we're not living, when we don't make it intentional, when we don't make it a priority in our lives, to one two worlds better to want to question why am I the way I am? Why am I doing these things? Why can the same repeating patterns, we don't get out. But we witnessed in our environment, we keep the story going.
Karen Maloney 28:17
Whereas we have the power to change anything and everything about our lives, no matter what has gone on before. And again, it's very important what we say to ourselves, because often we grow up in all kinds of different environments. And whether it's an illness or its behavior, and you see it being repeated and repeated for generations, it's like, Well, I've always been this way, or this is the way my family is like, I can change it. And again, be very careful with your words, because actually, you can absolutely anybody can, but it's not just going to happen, we have to be willing to. And again, it's facing ourselves, we our own limits in every way, shape, or form. And that can be positive or negative. Because again, I talk about self belief as well. And if we don't believe in ourselves, and are in our dreams, or we all might have this spark or this idea, and if we don't believe that we're capable of doing it, it will never happen. Even if everyone around you was like, oh, yeah, you're so good at that, or that's amazing. If you don't believe it for yourself. It doesn't matter what the other say either. And we all know that sometimes. I you know, especially women, if someone compliments you complimenting on appearance is such a big thing. And it's like if they say oh, that's really nice top and if you if you don't really like it your Lego really I don't know. And you just think they're lying. Because if you don't believe it for yourself, and that that's applicable switch every aspect. Yeah. And that's applicable to every aspect of our lives. So, again, we can follow what the masses are doing. We can move into the fear and be negative and be horrible and be mean to everyone we see in our lives because most people are doing it. We can do that. Or we can decide to do things differently, we can decide to be kind and loving no matter what we can decide to see beyond just the habits and the pattern because again, it's a habit. It's not the human. Okay? It's the habit. It's the behavior we don't like, it has nothing to do with the human. Yeah, they are playing it out. But it's still a habit. It's a behavior and any single habit or behavior, I don't care for how long you've been doing it, or how long your family has been doing this, it can be changed, but it takes you changing it, each of us changing it, nobody can do it for us. And that can seem hopeless at times. And like a lot of work. But actually, yeah, there's that way of looking at it. Or it's actually really empowering. It's like, oh, hang on here, I have more power than I ever knew. And again, that's, that's one of the things we always hear about, we have so much more power than we know, all the answers lie within. That is the truth. But how will you ever know that you won't know that? You can understand it from reading all the books, but how will you truly know the truth of that action, experimenting, trying it out for yourself? Yeah, only way
Harry Turner 31:12
we've come here. And that's where fear you must release yourself from the parasite of fear, because you're going to experiment in life and bond tabula rasa empty slate, and again, trying to learn this alien planet, there's so many different things that we've come to experience, because after that second birth of us adopting our parental psyche, we're gonna have experiences pleasurable and painful, based off of that lens through which we look like look at life through. And so it's in those moments of discomfort that we have, that the soul is ripe for us to transcend. And what Jung has called the transcendent function comes on, which is understanding that you are more than the sum of your parts you are actually designed to be upgraded. The brain is the hardware, the mind is the software. And like any other software, it was designed to be upgraded. And so when was the last time you had your software update, the upgrade consists of you collecting more of your truth, and then integrating that so that you can live more authentically in life. That's why the integration component is is imperative. And again, the judging of the mind, mind is the ego and the mind was designed to judge good, bad 010110, whatever, understand the limits of the mind. Because once you get into those spiritual truths, once you get into the spiritual realm, the binary way that the mind thinks of good and bad no longer works, it's not on a scale of good and bad these experiences that you have, you've come here to have experiences not only representing who you are, and you know, it's your truth when you experience it, just like me and a sister meeting and talking for the first time, and I'm vibing with her. And there's a lot of synergy going on. Like I know that this is true. Like I know, in this moment that this is true that this connection is true, that this was this, this was part of my journey. And I'm grateful for it. Just like we have experiences like this, we also fall into experiences where we realize who we are not by having experiences that represent who we are not. And those are the hardest, the or have been the most challenging for us to escape from, because we don't understand that, yes, this space where we were fractured at, we responded in a way that's not really true to who we are. But that's that's why we had the experience to realize that that's not who we are. And so we move closer to who we are not only by learning who we are, but also by understanding who we are not. And that's the challenge. You can't look, here we'll have you hide in the closet, your inner critic will have you hide in a closet for your entire life. But you have not come here to hide your energetic being you're coming here to be a light to be a beacon, you are, you've come here to add to uplift, the frequency and the projection of what we see and know this world to be in, the more that you get, the closer that you get to that frequency, that frequency of all the other the same direction at all other light warriors and work as I'm moving towards, the closer that you get to that frequency, the more you oscillate on that frequency, the bigger the tidal wave of love that comes into this world and radically changes this world forever. That's what we're talking about when we're talking about moving back to our truth and, and understanding who you are and then adding to the greater collective. That's what we mean. Because the closest, the more the more of us, the more of us that can, the faster we are not even fast, I don't wanna put it on a time scale. But as more of us come to know who we are, the more you understand you, the more you see your connection to everything else in life. And the more you then project that same love that you're cultivating you, because you see yourself splattered all over everything else in life. You project that same love outward. You see we only project outward what we're holding in, I can only make it basic. I can only give my neighbor a cup if they call and ask me your Hey Harry, do you have a cup of sugar? I can only give them that cup of sugar if I have a cup of sugar, so I can only give you what I have. So If I have fear the NASS was projected outward. Yeah. But if I build love, the nest was projected outward.
Karen Maloney 35:06
Totally. Totally.
Harry Turner 35:09
Yeah, please. I just had to jump in there real quick. But yeah, look, yeah, but that's only
Karen Maloney 35:14
one other thing. I can't remember what teacher said. And maybe it was Dolores Cannon as well. This is why it's always worth it. Because again, like I said at the beginning, sometimes we can feel like, oh, but I'm just one person, and how could I possibly projector pa could I possibly influence. And she said that for every single person who fought, who holds that energy of life because again, we live in an energetic universe, like everything is energy in has a frequency for every single person that embodies and holds that light and that love. It is like the equivalent or it has it can uplift 750,000 who are not. So that's why you just keep you keep doing it, you keep doing the inner work to clear more limits within ourselves to allow more of that light. So it's always worth it. And again, as Gandhi said, you have to be the change you wish to see. And it's, we often again, we wait and we live externally, we live from the outside in going oh, but this will make me happy. And I'll be happy when I do this. And when I have this, I'll be happy. And when I do this, I decide that I can, I can be more loving and be more kind. And when this happens, I promise I'd be more loving and kinder, whatever happens. But, you know, again, there's a line and the Course in Miracles says that's the Ego's way of living, . . . it says, "when this happens or this happens, I'll be happier, I'll be loving." Whereas the spirit way of living says, "No, I'll choose to be happy." And life will conform. We don't wait. And this is what we do. We live from the outside in we're we're waiting for things to make us feel something. And even if it's a person or like they're gonna make me feel loved. But again, if you're giving someone or something that power to make you feel loved, well, they can also make you feel not loved and crap and low if they're having a bad day. So you don't interrupt your Joe Dispenza calls it you're living as a victim of your environment. If you're constantly waiting for your emotional well being to be based off of things outside of you, you're going to be waiting, and it's really unstable. Whereas again, because we are creation. We have the power to create any and all of those emotions within us without anything. And that's the power we hold. We feel love because it's an energy and a thought that we choose to embody. We feel fear, because it's something we choose to embody. But again, it's that choice. And it's that consistency in working to harness more and more of that energy in that light and making it your baseline, so you're not living in that unstable external way of living. Because again, that's the "fear way of living".
Harry Turner 37:51
The ego uses these eyes, and these eyes look out. And whatever it sees, it has the tendency to attach itself towards and say this is real, because perception is reality. And so what you see is in your perception, and so you declared real, we are constructing reality, the mind attributes attribute? What's that attributes significant features to data that is otherwise a void of meaning. So if that is the case, and essentially we create purpose, we make purpose. And so if, if your job is to create and make purpose, what do you do with that? Like, like, if I told you your job is and I'm not asking you to do but I'm saying to the to the crowd, because we've got to get out of here. But if I told you your job was to create purpose that was that's really your sole job isn't you have any roles, your only obligation is to live and learn? Great purpose, what would you do? How would you Where would you begin at, the only source that you could begin at is what you're passionate about, and what you're passionate about is what you value. Because something that you value is something that is important to you. And it's important to you for a reason. So then you learn how to skillfully live operating in purpose, through your values and leaving, like my sister said, leaving a legacy because as you come back to the core, you realize that you connect it to the larger hole, what you realize is that you are both the water molecule in your the entire damn ocean. You are them both. And so you hold yourself accountable in a healthy way, you hold yourself or you acknowledge and accept the fact that all of this is for you to manage in love. And so then the other becomes a reflection of yourself. And this is where I go to my faith and and where I had many arguments early on and do not understand when they said Love thy neighbor as thyself. And Jesus said love thy neighbor as thyself. I can't help it I love my neighbor as myself like I don't even make sense like you know, I mean like I can't stand this dude over here like nearly trash out all the time. Like, come on, yo, oh, yeah, it's when you are able to see yourself in the neighbor. And understand that you've always been seeing yourself. And the other is just that when you operate it out of fear, you projected that fear onto the other and made them enemy. But when you fill yourself up with love, the more that you can continue to cultivate that love within you. That's what gets projected outward. And so you see yourself and the neighbor, and then you have compassion for the fact that they may be disorganized, or they may be, they may be suffering, or they may be actively out there causing harm to others, there's still a sense of compassion there. Because you understand that this person is in a fractured state, it doesn't mean sit by idly by and do nothing, no, it's quite the opposite. We've come here to to experience things and to do life and, and we all, we all have that responsibility of guiding each other towards that frequency of love guiding each other to home. Because that's what that's what a return to love is return to home. Yeah, moving from separateness, back to oneness,
Karen Maloney 41:00
totally. But again, it starts with us. Because if we don't know that for ourselves, we cannot see it in another love your neighbor, as you love thy neighbor as yourself. We don't know ourselves. First and foremost, we don't love ourselves, first and foremost. So we cannot extend that compassion. And that's been my experience as well, when I've reconnected and remembered and experienced the truth of who I was, then it's like, I get it now. And then you can extend it. But until we know and experience it for ourselves, there's no way and that's, again, we cannot give what we don't have. And again, we have to have it and know it within ourselves first and foremost, to truly be able to extend it to another. And that's why it's an inside out game. That's why it starts with us, first and foremost, always, and just even an invitation to leave people with as well to Get Curious. Because again, if it's true that I am constantly projecting what I'm holding within, and I'm experiencing it in my reality, well, instead of fighting against that reality, why not just put a spin on it and be curious and be like, "Okay, what could this be reflecting to me? What might this be showing me that I'm holding within myself?" Just open your mind, you don't need to know answers, just be curious and be like, "Well, imagine if that was true that life is always reflecting me to me. And every situation is reflecting something to me. And it's a projection . . . and they're subconscious." They're in our subconscious mind. So we are not aware of them. The clue is in the name sub below. So it's below consciousness. But if you look at your reality, and just get curious, how might this be reflected to me? How might this be showing me within me? What might this be pointing to within me that I'm judging about myself, or I'm disconnected from within myself? And just to look at your life, your 3d reality, your current life experiences, just with that little bit of an opening and just see, just see and explore not saying you need to know answers. But just imagine, just imagine if this reality that I'm living is a result of what I hold within and previous thoughts that I have had? What could I change within myself to create a new experience on the outside? Mm hmm.
Harry Turner 43:16
I always look, I always looking at mirror, we don't see things as they are, but as we are. And so understand that, that if you struggle with forgive with forgiving the other, understand that it's truly a reflection that you haven't forgiven yourself. If you struggle to love the other, understand that it's a reflection that you struggle to love yourself. The other is only here, are they all we all are here on our own paths. But the other in regards to our story. The primary purpose is to assist us in understanding the deeper truth of who we are, by being a reflection of who we are, because they're just a different version of who we are. Going to go ahead,
Karen Maloney 44:02
no, no, it's just saying yeah, and imagine if you lived with that curiosity, instead of having to be defensive or right or wrong. Again, just playing my invitation is always play. Be curious for yourself. Don't take what I say, go play and be be curious and explore for yourself and have that. What if you see what happens?
Harry Turner 44:22
I'm so grateful for you being on this episode in a way that you're flowing. And I'm telling you, I was having goosebumps through the episode. So really respect I appreciate your sister. And can you just tell the just let the people know where they can reach you?
Karen Maloney 44:36
Absolutely. And thank you so much, Harry. It was a pleasure as well to connect and flow. And yeah, my website is Karen maloney.com. So from there, you can find everything My Facebook is inside our coach Karen Maloney and my Instagram is Karen Maloney. And I also have a podcast called curiosity and consciousness. So it really the intention is to To help us to open our mind as well to more of who we are and the power we hold within through many different types of conversations. Yeah, but Karen maloney.com
Harry Turner 45:09
Thank you so much, sister. This has been another excellent episode of season three. Miss Maloney, I appreciate you please go check out her website, Karen maloney.com. There's gonna be other links that I will post at the bottom of this podcast, please go check out the sisters the real deal 100 And again, remember, a life of authenticity is life was skillfully practicing living through your values and my mission statement is to assist others in developing the audacity to live unapologetically authentic. I'm the nocturnal therapist, and I am out there I'll stay lit
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