Harry Turner 0:10
Welcome, welcome welcome outliers to a very special episode. I have a very special guest coming on today. That me, y'all know I got my special band is going on. We have a physician extraordinaire specializing in integrative medicine. Dr. Catherine Uram All right. So let me just give you some background and I'm gonna let there's a lot of stuff that I'm gonna give you just a sample of some of the stuff that she's into Dr. Catherine Uram, she received her MD from Drexel University and after medical residency at some word I'm not gonna pronounce right, Hannah Hannah, a man has Hannah Hannah somebody has a real prestigious hospital. She completed her fellowship training at the Dr. Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, where she was later an instructor she has utilized her expertise as a Reiki Master Teacher through the International Center for Reiki training consultant to Veteran Affairs adviser to Dr. Actual and Ancient Nutrition and medical editor for the Reader's Digest digital health publication. Oh my goodness, like it keeps going on. Okay, so her work is featured in publications such as the journal for spiritual awakening, nursing journal Well, plus weight nursing journal, well, plus good. She is regularly invited to speak at conferences internationally holds seminars on health and healing. I told you I was bringing heavy weights and I thought I was done. No, I'm looking at the website too. And let me just give an overview now this is this is this is relevant. I told you I was bringing heavyweights on this season. So specializing in integrative medicine she has worked with 1000s of people around the world in all walks of life. From the underserved to the residents of Beverly Hills. Come on now. She ain't discriminate against anybody. Oh, a professional experience universal love private practice Veterans Services, underserved community medicine, Beverly Hills comprehensive medical group, mindfulness based stress stress reduction prevention point injection drug user health services. Hello, hello. Hello, Dr. Uram how're you doing today?
Catherine Uram 2:18
Hi, Harry. Thank you so much for having me here. I love getting to talk to you.
Harry Turner 2:24
I'm sorry I'm sorry people they couldn't they couldn't they couldn't hold it back. They cut you off. I'm sorry. PBA I'm gonna sit down would you say doc
Catherine Uram 2:33
that was an amazing introduction. I'm so appreciative. Hello to everyone listening to Harry show. You're very very lucky to get to listen to this man. It's fantastic.
Harry Turner 2:43
Flattered flattery will get you everywhere with me, Doc. But I have several questions. We I'm so grateful to have you on this show and our passions. They overlap in so many different areas really understanding the body as understanding ourselves as energetic beings and operating from that space energetic beings having a human experience as opposed to a human having trying to find a spiritual experience and also the integrative medicine component, helping us to put together the right form of ingredients which I call alchemy, put together the right form of ingredients so that we can heal ourselves not only physically but also mentally and spiritually. So talk to us about integrative medicine, Doc, what is that?
Catherine Uram 3:25
Sure. So thank you for asking. So integrative medicine is the practice of integrating conventional medicine with natural medicine for deep healing. So integrative medicine is a medical specialty. So that means that after medical school, after residency, I did a fellowship in integrative medicine at the Dr. Weil Center for Integrative Medicine. And basically what the field is, is you look at what is the best in conventional medicine and the best in natural medicine for that particular patient. As we know, a lot of the people who are listening to this show are interested in your work are probably interested in healing, getting to know more of who they are looking for these kind of natural ways to feel better without unnecessarily medicating themselves just feeling better knowing who they are and living life to the fullest. And so integrative medicine addresses that without throwing the baby out the bathwater, we don't want to say oh, there's nothing in western medicine that we can use. Of course, there's so much amazing things that conventional medicine has brought us. But we also have to see that there's a time and a place to for using the most natural methods that we can. And so there's a lot of places where that comes up really well for people I wind up seeing a lot of patients who have anxiety or depression or fatigue or pain that may not have otherwise been addressed by conventional medicine. And these people may be looking for a way to sort that out naturally.
Harry Turner 4:53
Yeah, why would people be looking for a way to sort it out naturally doc,
Catherine Uram 4:58
that is a really good one. Questions. So for the people listening to this show, just thinking about some kind of issue you may have had in the past, a lot of us deal with anxiety or depression, it's really common depression is one of the most common ailments in the world, one of the most common if not the most common cause of disability worldwide. So that can range from being completely disabling to just any hindrance into our lives. And if you've suffered anxiety or depression, you may have noticed that the medications that are available to help can help or or they might actually make things worse. And so people recognize that there's a lot of different approaches that we have ranging from herbs to supplements to more Mind Body practices and more healing oriented approaches. And Harry as as a psychotherapist, there's a lot you can do before you hit people with medications that can bring more insight into their lives and a better quality of life, and just more fulfillment in general. And so I think that we can really approach many different medical and psychological conditions from this approach of how can we find greater fulfillment and utilizing some of our problems as doorways to fulfillment rather than than just an issue that needs to be solved and done, but something that can bring us into greater wholeness of who we are?
Harry Turner 6:24
Yes, yes, yes, Doc, I'm 100% that with you, because they nothing worse than taking not that I know anything, but taking high blood pressure medication, too, because you have so much stress. And then later on down the line, you can't get an erection. Now hold on a second. This pill was supposed to help me with stress, and all it does is causing me stress Hold on. That's, that's a legit thing. Yeah, that's a legit thing, sandals version. But that's a legit thing.
Catherine Uram 6:50
Absolutely. That is a great example, Harry, because one of the things that we can talk about, it is really important to treat high blood pressure because of what can happen down the line from having high blood pressure long term, like different cardiac issues and other cardiac cardiovascular issues. But the reason that we have high blood pressure, but there's multifactorial, there's a lot of different reasons. And one of them is because of chronic stress in the body that makes it so that there is increased pressure in the vessels. And so one of there's a lot of ways to bring down stress in the body. And the words that kind of mindfulness meditation came up before in that introduction in a myriad of other ways to decrease stress. And, as you know, he a very interesting psychotherapist, and you and I have spoken before when we were on the podcast with Daphne and about all of the different components that contribute in our psyche to making our lives either enjoyable or stressful? And how can we start sorting that out to have less stress and greater enjoyment and the effects that can have in our health? So?
Harry Turner 7:51
Yes, yes, yes, I read. Just recently, I read to a family member from the encyclopedia that I study to understand the energetic manifestation of some of these ailments. And so for a person that has chronic migraines, for example, I noticed that a lot of my clients, they clients that took migraine medication for years or decades, I noticed they tend to be a lot more self critical. And so when I look at my, when I study the energetic manifestation of this psychological low frequency of self hatred, I see that the head is the communication center. So it's related to my individuality and my autonomy, it is often called the control center, it is through through it, that all of my emotions, all my communications passed by means of my five senses. And so the head governs. And so when we have experienced difficulty or elements in a head, I must ask myself, and I quote, If I'm experiencing the conflict involving my thoughts, my spiritual life, my personal growth of some reality, I don't want to deal with this can be explained by the pain in the head according to this text, and I find it to be true, you know, that those who are most critical, self critical, they tend to have some form of head issues. If if a person is struggling with accepting what's going on in their lives, they usually have gut issues because the stomach represents the the energy of the digestion center and so whenever you psychologically and energetically cannot accept or choosing not to accept what's going on in your life is going to manifest in the stop me because it doesn't sit well with you. You're not your fruit, you refusing to digest the truth right in front of you. The Body Keeps the Score.
Catherine Uram 9:37
That's incredible. I love that. And so one of the things that's really interesting about getting to talk to her is before the show, we were talking a little bit about what integrative medicine is. And for our listeners here, one of the things that's interesting in integrative medicine is that you can meet the patient wherever they are, as a physician, I can I can meet you wherever you are. So if you're in understood in the more conventional, it's okay, we can look at more medications or for a little bit more holistic. Okay, let's look at some supplements, some herbs. And if you're a little more introspective, a little more woo little more into the energetic stuff we can start with. Yeah, yeah, it's like what Harry's talking about too, that's really beautiful. And we can look at how our health works in terms of symbols in terms of metaphor in terms of psychodynamics. It's so beautiful. And then we can also translate, like what Harry was just saying about this kind of symbolism of what's going on in the head with migrants. So we can translate that to, well, what does that mean, physically to because there's a direct translation to it, which is, this is what I think is cool about integrative medicine that we can see direct lines from the energetic to the psychological to the physical. So let's talk about migraines like Harry was just describing right? So let's say you're someone who has experienced trauma in your life, but many of us have, right so you have some trauma, you've got a little bit of PTSD working. And I know in our in your, in your, your land, hair, your specialty here is there someone who's experienced some trauma, what happens when you have some chronic activation, you get chronic activation of your nervous system with some trauma, right? You in our nervous system, we get this kind of fight or flight response when the sympathetic fight or flight branch is activated. Now we need that branch to regulate our physiology on a day to day basis. But when it's chronically elevated, like we're chronically in fight or flight, we get some some different effects going on, our blood pressure goes up, our heart rate goes up, our cortisol goes up all different things, we get muscle spasms, muscle tightening, and this is where some of the chronic pain comes from. And it's fascinating to me that we can see direct correlations between how Harry's talking about this symbolically and how physically we can see changes in the body and how that manifests for us in terms of back pain, neck pain, migraines, pelvic pain, whatever it is, so we can see exactly how the trauma affected us all the way back there to the pain we're experiencing now. And it gives us some insight. Hey, how can we treat this. So if you're someone who I prefer medications, great, we can start there. If you're someone who's like, Hey, I'm a supplement person, or Oh, I'd like to see work more therapeutically to untangle this or even energetically, there's different entry points to start untangling the pain that you experience and then start feeling better.
Harry Turner 12:33
Thank you, Doc. Thank you, doc for elaborating on that to my people. Because I've heard this before. You know, I'm a deep I'm a deep fish. I'm at the bottom of the seat. That's why I normally chill. But I'm not ugly. I'm not one of them ugly deep fish. I know that the fish usually real ugly. I'm one of them rare, beautiful ones. But anyway, I'm down in the so the fact that you can go in at any entry level. I think that that's a really important point to make for anybody who may be a little a low timid when it comes down to trying something new in the mind naturally and I will speak compassion to that the mind is naturally xenophobic, and that we are supposed to have some level of scrutiny with new experiences and new things. So we don't just immediately go with hunter gatherer and he could easily go and eat some berries, why not? Go Amelie go in and take a look there for the first time. You know, I mean, we have that for a reason. It's a survival technique. But we must understand where that is effective and where it's no longer needed. Definitely you could do your research, but at the same time, don't stick in the comfortable familiar because if all you do is what you been doing and all you have is what you've been having dark.
Catherine Uram 13:39
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And this is a little bit of where conversation was the last time we spoke on a podcast together about Coach I was just revisiting, which was we were talking a lot about the unconscious and shadow and we were talking about finding if we knew what would heal us we'd already be healed. And so kind of finding that in ourselves and and being seen what what we may become conscious to in ourselves like help heal us and I love that discussion with you.
Harry Turner 14:10
And integrative so integrative medicine doc, how does that apply to help me a bridge because this season we're talking about me and we talking about shadow work and Shadow Work being a tool of mental alchemy and for those y'all who may be listening to me joining for the first time just found out about me first Sucks to be you know, just just joking around. But no seriously, Shadow Work is a tool of mental alchemy and that alchemy is is about not so much turning lead to go as it thought as originally it was created to do such a be such but rather when you're dealing with a mental Alchemist, you're dealing with somebody that's here to help you in that transition of being a lump of coal to the diamond that you always were meant to be. So you get in a position where you can let that light shine. And we all under this going through undergoing this process whether we realize it or not this process of turn transformation, it's natural for us to evolve. So if you're if you're still holding on to the same old limiting beliefs, and visiting the same old limiting places, and applying or working at the same old limiting opportunities, it's time that you begin to do something different than what you're familiar with. If you're ready for that, if you're ready for that, if you feel that discomfort, that tension, if you pay attention to it, that's why pain is there, pain says is not there to judge you is there to say, pay attention to this. And so if that pressure point is there, for those who listen to me at that pressure point is there, do something, pay attention to that pain, because that pain will be your liberation? Pain does not come to curse you, it's come to let you know that you're not paying attention to something that you need to pay attention to. Because life is about balance. Doc, I don't want to run on too much now. But how do you feel about that, Doc?
Catherine Uram 15:51
Well, I love the idea of balance. I love everything that you're describing about pain. And while you were talking, I was really kind of putting together kind of some ideas about the intersection of Shadow Work of pain and of healing and how we can use these concepts that you're talking about for physical healing. But there really is no distinction between psyche and so much it is complete Sykes, we talk about integrative medicine, I psyche and soma is completely integrated. And for me, that is where I feel most comfortable in my work and where I feel like I make great strides with people. One of the things that I do with people is I do a lot of dream work. And I know we're we're in your realms consciousness, Harry, and I've seen such amazing such amazing growth in dream work. Obviously, people become more attuned to who they are. There's some self realization which remark you get to see parts of yourself that you didn't see before. And
Harry Turner 16:56
Doc real quick, if I may. Can you just elaborate on what is dreamwork? Because this is only the second time somebody has introduced dream, work Yes, on any of my podcasts. So if you if you don't mind, just let the people know.
Catherine Uram 17:09
Thank you very. And also, please, if I'm talking and there's something that needs to be elaborated on, please stop me. I really appreciate that to stop and define and say what might need to be said a little more clearly. I so appreciate that. So DreamWorks. So there are many ways to approach DreamWorks. So we all dream in some form or another. And so some of the people listening to this podcast may say, I haven't jumped in a while or I don't dream. But the reality is that we do go through cycles, sleep cycles, where we are dreaming, even if you're not recalling it. And so if you're not dreaming, or you think you're not, if you think you're not dreaming, when you wake up in the morning, try to recall how did you feel during the nights? What are some impressions or images you might have had or even just a feeling if you start writing those down, it'll cultivate, it'll cultivate dreaming, and that and then so when you start having dreams or when you're dreaming, there's different ways to work with it. And during work is something that's been done in many cultures over time, right? Ranging from different there is two more psychological traditions. There's Freudian dream work, there's young Indian work, there's different ways to approach dreams. And Germans also done in different frameworks, also done in different shamanic cultures. So there's a lot of different ways to approach dream. And I'll use kind of a blend of everything I've learned in these realms. But really where I'll make the most strides with people to is you can hear, you can hear some dream work. And then one of the things that you can connect to in a dream is, is the deep energy of it. So let me back up for a minute when you have a dream. So this is for everyone listening, who's having dreams, so you can start to think about what's going on. You have a dream, there's a few ways to approach it. You can look at the personal aspects of the dream, recall your last dream. What did this dream mean? To me? How does it feel in my life? What does it mean for the daily events in my life? You look at the transpersonal aspect of the dream, which means, okay, as a human being someone who's alive in this world, a conduit of universal energy, if you will, what is this message of this dream for me? What does this mean in general, not just for me, but what does this dream mean for humanity? Like, what if, if someone else had this dream to it would be bringing similar messages to them all human beings, what is the universal human collective message of this dream, and then we can look at the third layer of the dream, which is the impersonal layer, which is all the bare energy of the dream because dreams have different energetic components, energetic streams that we can tap into. So if you've ever had like Reiki or any energy work or any kinds of done any kind of Shamanic work or anything like that, you're you're familiar with how kind of energy fields you can tap into these kinds of different different frequencies of energy in the dream and a lot of times we can bring in a lot of great healing through the dream. And yes,
Harry Turner 19:56
I didn't want to stop that main point but I'm I'm Ready for a live example I have a dream for if you don't mind, I have a dream that I would like you to. Yeah, that sounds great. That sounds great. But I didn't want to stop at that point sounds like you're about to put a bow tie on that, what a bow tie is already there?
Catherine Uram 20:12
Well, I was gonna just say that one of the things that we can do is we can watch how we can utilize dream work and a lot of different ways we can utilize it kind of for more self realization, bringing ourselves into a greater feeling in our lives, greater knowledge of who we are. And then I've also seen people untangle psychological issues in Peru from anxiety, depression, there's a lot of evidence to if you're, if you like hearing the physical kind of evidence of there's neurogenesis with dreaming. So you can see people kind of recover from these conditions with dream work as well. And then also, I've seen people recover from physical issues as well, watching their kind of psyche untangle, like for various autoimmune diseases like Crohn's disease, for example, and others, just watching these kinds of knots untangle and kind of energy go through smoothly. So kind of as I'm talking with you, I'm, I'm kind of spanning the range between the more scientific to the more esoteric as we're speaking. So bring all that in. So let's do an example that sounds like the most fun.
Harry Turner 21:12
That is a great dance. That's the same dance that I do between the scientific and esoteric, and it's and it's in yet And yet, but for me, you have to go to esoteric because, therefore, it's been thought that the spiritual and the spiritual truths are it's antiquated, but it's behind like sciences are advanced. But what what you see when you do to study and is that science is catching up to what has always been, there's a lot of new, quote unquote, new technological and scientific advances and research and truths that have been found out that had been written in sacred scope scrolls for 1000s upon 1000s upon 1000s of years.
Catherine Uram 21:51
Yeah, it's amazing. I know we love doing this science, right? We love explaining what we already know, do that so much.
Harry Turner 22:01
If you're seeking a life coach, nocturnal therapist is the name and mental alchemy is the game. If you want to understand how to transmute transform, and transcend these challenges in these challenging emotions, buy me at the School of outliers at become an outlier.com/links. Again, that's become an outlier.com/links stay lit, and agape. So dream I've been having my entire life I haven't had a last few years ago. But periodically it would show up. And that's why I still could remember and I forget most of my dreams, but anyway, I am. I am, I guess roughly a teenager age. And I don't really know what age I am. All I know is I'm walking towards this very large, I want to say church, but it's not a church. It's more like it has arches, it's seeming like one of those big cathedrals like humongous cathedrals with a big arch openings where you could just walk in. So if I walk up the steps, I can see myself walking up some about five or six flat semen steps because everything is pavement, up to this big large cathedral, then I walk up another set of steps about eight, nine, and then I walk towards the front of the cathedral where this light was, but then I don't go because I see most of the people are going towards the back of the cathedral. So I go to the back of the I follow the crowd to see what the fuss was about. So I go to the back of the cathedral and a people we're back to having a good time. Okay, I check this out. So I'm Baghdad and I'm chilling. And all of a sudden, they people begin to flicker like some of them begin to flicker. And as a flicker, I'm like tripping. I'm like paying attention. And then they appear to be demonic characters. Not all but about 40% of the crowd. And it appears that I'm the only one that scene it's so these demonic care. And they noticed I'm like buggin they just go on about talking and drinking and having a good time. But as I'm beginning to notice them more and more, some of them notice me notice now. And after that I that freaked me out. So I begin to go to that walked out of that large arch area in the back and begin to walk to the front. Next thing I know I'm being followed by one of them. So then I increased my pace exponentially to get to the front. And it seemed like this entity that was following me. Like it would get right up on me. When I look back. It'd be right up on me. And then I just keep on running and I get a little space and then there'll be a look back and be right right there almost about to get me but then I make it to the front and I walk in this cathedral where the bright light was where I was going at to begin with in this space. There's only there's there's 1000s of seems like 1000s of candles. No Let me say hundreds because of the room wasn't that that large but it was large. But hundreds of candles lit up And it was very, very bright. And as I made it into the entrance, the entity had to stop at the entrance. And there was a woman sitting in, sitting with her legs crossed, sitting down, facing and she was elevated on whatever she was sitting on. And they were about maybe four or five others that were sitting with their legs cross on the floor, facing her, as if she was talking to them. And they all stopped. She said, you're safe, you can't get you anywhere, you're safe. And so I sat down, and this woman, she had gray hair, and she, like, the candles are bright. But the light that she gave off was, I mean, it made the candles with like darkness compared to the light that she gave off. And then the dream would always stop right there without telling me welcome. And that that began as a child. And it happened frequently as a child, when I would dream that and then again, as a teenager, and then even as an adult, that dream would come up, and I'm like, Why have our dreams, this one?
Catherine Uram 26:06
Thank you so much for sharing that, Harry. Okay, so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go right into a heart meditation and start working with the dream, okay. So if you're somewhere safe, where you can sit down and close your eyes, please follow along with this. Okay. So what we're going to do is close your eyes, put your hands on your hearts, right hand first left hand on top. And if you can have your thumbs touching, and the placement of the hands is going to be having the palms kind of right over the breastbone. And just breathe into this space. And notice how it feels. This hand positions a heart mudra sacred hand position to invoke certain energy which may be accustomed to mudra as if you are into yoga or meditation. And just breathing into this space. And you may notice the connection between your palms, you may feel some tingling in your palms, feeling that energy moving. And you may feel that connection with the center of your hearts, between your palms in your heart to just focus on that and allow that energy of the heart to cultivate, you may feel that tingling in your palms. And that heart emoji cultivate, just allow that. Now this is healing energy. This is this is healing energy that comes through the heart. Let's go a little deeper, take some deep breaths and go into the center of your heart, your mind's eye, just put all of your awareness on the center of your heart, right in the center of your chest, inside the body, in the center of your chest. And just breathe in and out of this place. Just noticing what you see there, what you feel there, and just putting all your awareness there. Now, this is the heart center. This is a piece of energy anatomy, that's part of the heart chakra that we see across cultures, across healing traditions. And this is where universal energy enters the body and spreads through the body as healing energy. Alright, so let's just focus here. Now, the next thing that I invite you to do is to recall an image from your dream from the last dream you had. So Harry, I invite you to recall an image from your dream. And for our listeners here, just the last image of a dream that you have, whatever is the most prominent dream image. And if you don't have one from last night, just one that you can recall from some point in your life, and just allow that to come up in your heart. Now just see that image in your mind, I know that I'm recalling a dream image for myself as well. And just keep that image there. And feel how that image feels. Feel the image and notice the colors, and the gradation. Notice the quality. Now one thing that may be tempting here, is to move into the psychological interpretation of the dream. That's not what we're doing here today. There's tons that can be done psychologically young in 4d and work and others. But we're in the energetic interpretation, the energetic work of the dream, right? So feeling this image, we just want to feel we want to feel and see. And notice how it changes. Does the image get darker? As the image writer? Does it change into a new image? Does it go away? How does it feel? Does it feel scary? Or does it feel relaxing and opening now, to really get some good work on with the dreams? We need to open up the energetic space a little bit more. So I invite you to bring in some more healing energy. And if you do Reiki or have ever had a Reiki treatment you may be familiar with this. So what we're going to do is we ask Ask your personality and ego to step to the side. And to become a clear and open channel for universal energy. Great. And now, what we're going to do is, we're going to see light coming in through the body, through the whole body, and through the whole space around us. We're going to feel like connecting with Harry, connecting with me, connecting with you, in our other listeners, we're all here connected in this light, and just allow this brightness to cultivate. And you may feel the healing energy in your palms, the palms of your hand, and in the center of your heart. Now, I invite you to recall that image, is there a word that comes to mind, when you recall that image? Is there a sound or a wish, or prayer that comes up with that image? Now, obviously, from where we stand now, we can keep going deeper into this deeper into the dream into more images from the dream deeper into the energetics of the dream. And connecting even further with Harry and with each other. And seeing how the group dynamic of dream work can unfold. But what we'll do is we'll come back up, we'll open our eyes when we're ready, and talk about what we've experienced so far. And remember that when we tap into subconscious processes like this, because dream work is a subconscious process, dreaming itself is a subconscious process, that this will unfold as time goes on. And we may have more dreams that go with this dream more insights, that this process keeps unfolding. So we've opened the door a little bit and made more unfold. More insight. So I invite you to come back up and join us when your
Harry Turner 31:50
good stuff that good stuff. All right. Thank you. So I come back up. What is typically the first question. Sure. So how do you feel? Relaxed? Fantastic. Powerful. Yeah. Well,
Catherine Uram 32:08
empowered. Great. Great. And what was empowering about that for you?
Harry Turner 32:12
For me, the word that came up, that's when I felt the empowerment. word that came up was wisdom, right is nothing else. It just said, read it. And this wisdom, everywhere. The light was wisdom, the and thinking about it in my faith. Wisdom is represented in the female tense as a woman, wisdom.
Catherine Uram 32:33
It's really beautiful. And I'm so curious, Harry, because you've obviously done so much work with this dream over the years. And I'm wondering if it's not too much to ask, or whatever you feel like sharing kind of how you feel about this dream over the years and kind of how this seems to be evolving for you now, in terms of what this dream might mean.
Harry Turner 32:54
Yeah, yeah, of course, as a youngster, I was terrified. It was a nightmare. It wasn't a dream. Yeah. But then it didn't leave. And all of a sudden my emotions towards it. It was almost like I was waiting on it to happen eventually, one day, and so then I just accepted it. And then I became curious about it. And I know that a curiosity is truly the path to insight. And I curiosity hit, I began to study. Okay, well, yeah, wisdom was representing my faith by woman in the light that all the light that I saw, so the relationship I have with it now is, and it's still I'm glad that you did a hard one. So it's still a challenge for me to fully fully accept. I'm gonna be real. Yeah. But that the light is me that the wisdom is wisdom that flows through me. That's what that's what's the hardest at this point? That's been the challenge to integrate. I'm integrating.
Catherine Uram 33:47
Yeah. Well, I'm glad. I'm glad you brought up the topic there of integration too, because like I was saying, this keeps unfolding. It's a subconscious process. And whenever you're working with subconscious process, sometimes it also takes a while to integrate, like you're saying, that wisdom, you are this wisdom that you have this wisdom unfolding. You're clearly so good at it and so good at articulating it and and it's just like any subconscious process, so I'm sure some of the listeners here have been involved with some kind of psychedelic medicine. It's it's so popular these days, and there's a lot of research going on with it.
Harry Turner 34:26
Yeah, all my viewers do shrooms everybody no matter what age do they all do? Sure. SHAN right now.
Catherine Uram 34:40
Well, great, so this will make sense. So whenever you're with this psychedelic medicine is a you know, setting up a subconscious process. And so this dream work that we're talking about that we're just kind of engaging in here is another kind of natural way without exogenous external substances to do some subconscious work. And again, like it's a Adeleke therapy integration is one of the most important parts to be able to bring what you learned into your daily life. And so integration of subconscious processes is really important and occurs naturally over time. Like you're discussing the wisdom, like you find this in your dream process. And then accepting that this is a part of your life and living it that it's a natural way is just something that needs to integrate over time.
Harry Turner 35:25
As well, it's it's unique in that poem by Marianne Williamson, a return to love, I think, and if I can Google it real quick, but a return to love. It says it's not our darkness that most frightens us. It's actually me, I got to pull it up not record is a famous quiz. It's in a lot of a lot of like sports movies have sort of kind of monopolized it. But it wasn't meant to be that. But but as I'm looking this up, Doc, please talk to the people. Let him know more about you. Because they need to know how to find you and everything. I do have your website up there, please.
Catherine Uram 36:01
Thanks very well. So anyway, thank you so much for listening and tuning in today. It's really great to get to be here with everybody and be here with Harry is always such a great conversation with him. And it's great to connect with you as his listeners, if any of this work resonated with you today, feel free and reach out. I have a website, Harry's putting it up. It's Dr. Uram.com, Dr. uram.com. And I'm across social media platforms at Catherine, Uram MD particularly. Instagram, and I do online appointments, I do appointments worldwide online. So if you're looking for a process based healing oriented approach to learning more about yourself, learning more who you are finding more comfort in your life and getting getting over some physical ailments that may be concerning to you. Or even just for that kind of exploration for greater fullness and greater comfort in your life. I urge you to reach out to me it's a really enjoyable getting to work with people. It's a fun process, and everything is really tailored to the individual. So if you're somebody who is interested in healing, and you're like, Hey, I like energy, a like dreamwork Hey, I like supplements, or whatever it is, I have so many tools at my disposal to assist with healing, and it's whatever is going to work best for you and whatever you're going to be comfortable with and to bring you into greater flow and in residence and comfort and fulfillment in your life. Reach out.
Harry Turner 37:29
I do have one other question as I was reading this, under your list of professional experiences, and I found a quote, I guess it's pertinent to the quote I found so I'm gonna read a quote, but I want you to tell me when it says professional experience universal love. I want you to elaborate on that for me. Sure. Yeah. First, yeah, go ahead. Do that. All right,
Catherine Uram 37:51
a universal love. So as we've been discussing, I'm a physician. And I've also been engaged with healing my, my whole life as well. And so part of my journey, my professional journey has been how do I integrate healing and medicine. And that is no small task, to be perfectly honest with you. So in my training, I went to medical school, and then residency in emergency medicine, and I did a lot of time working with patients in the ICU. And you see a lot of healing occurs in medicine, naturally, humanity, just heal. There's lots of healing, and we could talk, we can do a whole show on what is healing Harry, I would love to come back and talk about healing with you. And there's so much healing occurs in medicine. And then there's all different approaches Besides regular conventional allopathic medicine to induce healing. And so I before I went to medical school, I was doing the Reiki master thing. And I've traveled around the world working with different healers and shamans and training and bringing that work into my practice. And one of the, one of the parts that's been the satisfying of my work is being able to bring in this healing oriented approach with people to help show them that what's right about themselves. And so yes, so universal love, is this not to a healing oriented approach.
Harry Turner 39:15
Thank you, Doc. Thank you. Come on. Let me get that. You deserve that one right there. So let me read this quote to you. And thank you for that explanation on that experience on universal love. I will return to love by Marianne Williamson. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous. Actually, who are you not to be? You're a child of God. You're playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We're all meant to shine as children do. We were born And to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not in just in, it's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our very presence automatically liberates others.
Catherine Uram 40:18
Thank you. Thank you for that. That was beautiful. That was just so beautiful to bring into this there.
Harry Turner 40:25
Oh, yeah, that, that came to mind as, as I was talking about the integration, immediately, that that, in this whole return to love has always been there with me, since childhood returned to love return to, because to heal, is to reintegrate or to be whole, to be whole is to be holy. To be holy is to be in your righteous mind, to be in your righteous mind is to be your most authentic self. It's not about filing a rulebook, it's about you coming back to the most authentic self, that you were always meant to be. The School of outliers is is not in you look at my website, become an outlier. Become an outlier. That's not something that you really gain. It's just something that you acknowledge because we were all born to be outliers. Don't believe me? Go to a set of quintuplets and find out if any of them have the same fingerprints. You see, we were all born to be unique. The physical was a manifestation of spiritual truths. And so we can see that. And so in truth, we were all born out lies is just somebody convinced us otherwise, to come on back home, return to love return to one. Doc, is there anything else you got anything else you want to say before we get about here that
Catherine Uram 41:39
Harry, I love getting to be here with you, you and I could talk endlessly. Honestly, this whole topic of healing is like just opening up now. And just one thought I had about to talk about healing endlessly. The one thought I had about healing is there was a writer named to pray there. And I think he brought this through from A Course in Miracles and the quote is heal is to make happy. And it may sound trite, but true happiness is really important. And that's no small potatoes and what you're talking about becoming that all living authentically living unapologetically. Like, just being natural and who you are naturally being happy. I mean, that's incredible. And thank you, Harry, for doing the work you do. And thank you to the people who are listening for being interested in doing what you do. And it's really important to find your natural self Good job, everybody.
Harry Turner 42:34
This is this is for y'all. It's for y'all. Like for the for the listeners for the listeners. And let me see, since you brought that up, y'all know my mission statement is to assist others in developing the audacity to live on apologetically authentic. Why? Because when you do the research, time and time again, those who reports that those who report the highest rates of happiness, bringing in without your rounds are those who live the most authentic lives. You see, authenticity invites in happiness because happiness is not a destination to be reached the way we travel. Happiness is a practice. Many of us unconsciously realize that we practice being miserable. We practice being fearful. We practice living in limiting beliefs. But just like you practice, using visualization and in mindfulness against yourself, you can also use visualization and mindfulness for yourself to elevate yourself to see yourself with clarity, removing the scales from your eyes and letting go of those fear based rooted inherited limiting beliefs. Moving back to what is inherent to you your true authentic self, you are an outlier. You were born an outlier. embrace that. Okay, Doc, I'm really done this time. It's been great. Thank you. Thank you.
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