Harry Turner 00:10
Welcome to season three. I have a very special guest. I'm gonna bring up bringing in on the stage in just a moment. And this is season three. Welcome back season three. On this episode we'll be talking about mental alchemy and the entrepreneurs manifestation plays play sheet with Jeff McCoy. Welcome, welcome. Welcome to the stage brother. How you doing today? Mr. McCoy.
Jeff McKoy 00:35
Absolutely fantastic. Man, I appreciate you. Give me an opportunity to join you, man. I love your show. It's absolutely phenomenal. I love what you're doing, and what you're sharing with people, beautiful stuff.
Harry Turner 00:45
Please help us liberate the audience, liberate the outliers out there who may be needing that, that truth and their liberation in the form of truth by telling us exactly what the entrepreneurs manifestation play sheet is all about.
Jeff McKoy 00:56
Oh, my pleasure, my pleasure. The manifestation play sheet is about helping entrepreneurs, first of all need to know a little bit about where I'm coming from. I am an entrepreneur, I actually help marketers and coaches to actually get their message across. And understand that a lot of people are grinding it out. Because it's just, they think that they can make everything happen just off of their strip a sheer efforting and trying to force a square peg through a round hole. And they want to disregard the things that take place. As far as inner work is concerned. When I'm thinking of manifestation, I'm just I'm not just saying you go into a class and you just make a wish, and things pop out the way you want him to. I'm talking about there's some work that has to be done. It has to take place from within. And the thing is, when you change that inner world, that outer world is going to match that condition and all circumstances with that.
Harry Turner 01:44
Can you see that last part again? About the inner world outer world? Can you say that one more time for me?
Jeff McKoy 01:48
Okay, my pleasure. What I'm saying is that when you focus on those things that are going on on the inside, and not be not be affected, not be directed and molded by those things, taking that place outside, you can actually let that inner world shot after you've done the work within, you can create your circumstances create your conditions, your environment around you. And you can create your world just like some of us talk about God, some of us talk about the universe. And some of this talk about all that is now all that is handled all that is, but we as individuals, we have our own all that is that we are responsible for. And so we have to handle our own inner universe so that we can create the outer universe that we want around our lives.
Harry Turner 02:31
I had to take a sip of tea on that one brother, I had to take a sip of tea on that one. So are you saying that we don't see things as they are, but as we are you saying that it's not the external but the internal is truly real. And if we can get the internal on the correct frequency, then the external begins to minute manipulate and change and move to that internal road that we cultivate within ourselves is that what you're saying, brother,
Jeff McKoy 02:57
that's exactly what I'm saying. I'm saying if you focus on that which is within, you will automatically it's going to bleed into the outside world, those circumstances those conditions are going to shift. Because you've taken that time, you don't have to worry about the stuff on the outside, if you focus on that stuff on the inside, because outside of take care of itself. You just gotta be, you gotta be manning your ship, like, I talked to some of my class and I tell them, like, Look, you are the captain of the ship. And when you can speak into your own spirit into your own soul. And you can set the coordinates and set the standard set the direction and the focus as to where we should be going as a being as an entity or as a as a totality of a person, then you're you don't have to work so hard, those things are going to guide you forward. And that's the thing I'm talking about when I'm speaking about the entrepreneurs trying to grind it out, they're out there looking for this solution, that solution, and I got this blueprint, I got this plan, I got all these steps and how tos, how I'm gonna make it happen, I'm gonna make it up. And then they get out there. And they don't realize that their plan is based upon somebody else's vision. And they may be going on a different path. And when you're going down a different path, what's going to take place is you're going to eventually realize, hey, that is exactly what I was doing. I was going this way I hit this a little I didn't hit this roadblock, or I didn't hit this detour and the detour and on the mat. So what I do now then we find ourselves sitting out there looking for an outside solution to an inside problem, but we need to get inside the work.
Harry Turner 04:25
And we break that button today. You're gonna make me break that down button today. I'll see Oh, all right. All right. Are you saying it you're saying it and you keep saying it so I put this up here are we going I want to give the people a taste hit him with what we talk and we just gonna free flow with it but at the same time want to bring in some of exactly what it is that you do and not have it. I have it going down here but of course this is going to be placed in podcasts as well. So I'll read it out. My brother says that he is a business and marketing coach and he says his primary niche and focus is helping faithless entrepreneurs super impose spirituality and faith with practical business systems systems to grow faster and earn more, with less time, energy and effort. All right, brother, I think I believe that that's what you were alluding to just now. But can you tell me a little bit more about this specific statement? So how do you help for any practical reasons practical practically speaking? How do you assist in this process? Like, how do you transform help people transform like that?
Jeff McKoy 05:26
Well, first of all, I understand there's a lot of truth. My dad's a pastor, he preached a message one time, and I don't even know, if he realized how profound it was. He says, When the truth shows up, the facts don't matter. I say that. But when the truth shows up, the facts don't matter. Because the truth has. The truth has the capacity to shift the fact according to the level that we believe, and of course, based upon my background, which is Christian background, and I'm not trying to push that on nobody, but I believe that faith without works is dead. So if you can't just sit in wish in the corner, hope things gonna come, it's gonna pop for you, you got to do the work. And the work is involving the things that are inside you. So when you align your inner world, with the vision that you have before you that you concocted in your mind or in your heaven, and you have created that you said, you aren't going down this particular path right here, when you are able to align yourself with that vision, then everything becomes easier. It's kind of it's the difference between having a swimmer, like you've seen people swim and they swim in a river. The thing is, when you swim into the river, you can, you can take 20 strokes, and and if that ribbon is going hard against you, you might move two inches. But if you align yourself with the river, when you take two stroke, you're gonna run 20 feet, that's what handling your inner world business will actually do for you allow the world of your of your external business, and so many people out there efforting and trying to make it happen without doing
Harry Turner 07:01
Yeah, please let me jump in. Yeah, man, you saying a whole lot. And I'm glad I'm glad to be the one sitting back and just listening man. And I'm just enjoying, I'm enjoying this space brother I'm enjoying, I'm enjoying the space that we share. And I'm really grateful for you stepping up on the stage and feeling the energy brother because it is rejuvenating. And let me just say that I'm gonna pause for a second and say You said in your faith, and your faith is Christianity. And Christianity is states work. Faith without work is dead. And I believe that while that is also a religious principle, it's also a spiritual, a spiritual universal truth. And so we can just break that down just a little bit more that what do you mean? Or what do you believe that what truth is being revealed in that space, and that statement, Faith without work is dead? Well,
Jeff McKoy 07:47
I'll explain it like this right here, when you explained it to my boys recently must my son that was talking about that there's a higher power that will work with you, you know, I call it God. Because then you make up a flood map, nothing else, but just how power that will work with you. And if you understand that, that power is so close to you as closers in the breath that comes across your tongue as you speak. And you just looking from the outside trying to get in and you understand you understand that it permeates all space, then you have a direct connection that you can tap into. And as you apply your faith and your believing and say faith without work is going to have some external work. It's kind of like when you have the interface, you have that anticipation, that eagerness and that desire, and that empowers you like, and it creates this energy in your hands, that just kind of it's like, it gives you that powerfulness to accomplish those things that you lay your hands to do. So when you place your hands out there to work and you're in alignment with that vision on a spiritual level, and you've gotten rid of all the mess of the garbage is inside of you. And you can clean things up and you've got your mind right, your thoughts, right and your focus right, then everything is just going to flow. I use the example when I talk sometimes a lot of times women they understand when they go into a beauty salon or something they get in a perm or, or a relaxer. In many cases like that you have situation where there is a there's a base, the base cream, and then they have this activator inside there. And the base itself is made of inactive ingredients. But when you put that activator inside of that base, which is what spirituality does for your business, it's like when you are operating in your business, you just pop it off with that base. It's like you got all this energy, which is an effort that you're putting out there and time and, and, and challenges and problems and obstacles, you're not able to solve a problem because that only represents about 5% of it. 95% of it's gonna take place at the work inside is what I'm saying.
Harry Turner 09:40
So when you connect your daily mission to values based intentions, then it appears that your motivation gets turned on autopilot. Is that what you're alluding to as well, brother?
Jeff McKoy 09:52
Absolutely. Yes. You don't have to work too hard because there's an autopilot that takes place is going to lead you and guide you without you having to put somebody Don't concentration on everything that you're doing along the way. But the same thing, it just like, the opposite side of faith is doubt, if you have that is going to create that resistance, that river going in the opposite direction is gonna be pushing you back. And you're gonna be fighting and grinding against your own self and making what seems to be no progress or very little progress, if any. So that's why it's so important. So when I talked about that base, it being your EQ, your actual work and your effort and your energy and all the stuff that you're striving to do your thoughts and your plans, your strategies, and step by step and how tos all that stuff, when you get all that type stuff going. And then you run into a hole in the highway, and the D train on the map. What do you do? I mean, you go out, you feel like you can go out there and try and ask somebody else, what what should I do with my vision? What should I do with my dreams, because I ran into this, this hole in the highway, and it's not on my map that I got from so and so and so person. And so now it's like, when you get in that place, you spend forever, you spend hours and hours and days and months and weeks, trying to figure out, you know how I'm gonna find that missing piece, where is that missing piece of highway that can put back in here. And the truth of the matter is, there isn't a missing piece on our way, there is a bridge, that bridge is that in a world, that spirituality that you can tap into, that's going to bridge you across that gap that you can't find a solution to an outside resource. You gotta I gotta
Harry Turner 11:24
say, Brother, I liked the way you took, I liked the way you thought, oh, let's let's just sit on that just a little bit longer. There's a parable in our faith that speaks of Peter and him stepping out on water, and the physical, the physical act of seeing those waves and waters begin to cut up that drew his attention off of the price is I moved from the target, and then fear and Sue. And when fear and sued, he began to sink that will be filled. Now let me I just want to interject this and I know you were you were hitting on that. But I won't be very direct with the people and let them know that the mind when it moves into a space of what is unknown, it naturally because it is xenophobic by nature, it is natural, it will naturally induce fear. But there's a difference between what is dangerous, versus choosing to be afraid you can acknowledge danger, and not still give into your field. But even when fear is present, understand that when you choose to be authentic, an integral component that you may not hear people talk about all the time, because very, very few people, in my opinion, actually exude this, an integral component of being authentic is courage. Would means which means that in the presence of fear, courage is not the absence of fear. But in the presence of fear, you still choose to do it anyway, you don't know what it's going to look like on the other end, we'll see that's where faith comes in. Because you're moving into that space of the unknown if you stick to the unknown, and all you gonna have is what you've been having. So you have to venture out into the unknown, which will induce fear. So how do you deal with that fear, you feed your faith, and your dad will starve to death. Brother, please continue. I just had to get my love.
Jeff McKoy 13:13
That's beautiful. I get it, I totally get it. And I can speak from from my own experience. I mean, fear is real. However, fear doesn't have to dominate, you have to face it. And once you face it, that's another aspect of doing the inner work and the spirituality because the truth of the matter is, in that manifestation process, when you are able to truly tap in, there's a whole nother level of confidence that comes forward, there's a whole other level of of exuberance and energy to push forward and to dominate push things out of doesn't mean you take advantage of anyone you don't have to compete with, there's no competition, because you know that your source is coming from a different direction, while everybody else is competing. Since there's only so many slices of pie, there's only so much I can get to I need to grab as much as I can. And for somebody else to get to it. I have no competitive. I'm an army of one because I'm tapped in and according to what I believe greatest pieces within me in the world, not that I'm trying to go that direction. But you follow what I'm saying is that the power takes place from within and when you can tap into that power, fear has to flee to the thing is your thoughts cannot occupy two spaces at one time or two talking to occupy the space of your mind at one time. So either going to focus on the fear and the doubt and the resistance. I mean, you just gotta give your attention and place your energy on a future on a future expectation that's not even warranted.
Harry Turner 14:40
awareness, attention we just want brother, wherever attention goes energy flows and everything is made out of energy. And so the more attention you put towards your fears, the more you attract those fears naturally because everything consists of energy and you are energy and you are projecting energy constantly. So wherever attention goes energy flows, just that just that simple one. So we must develop this by mindfulness is so effective for so many people who actually practice it. It's because you are developing the skill of moving your awareness based off of your values, as opposed to what it is that your mind is afraid of, because your mind will always find something to be afraid of, because that amygdala or fear center of your mind is always scanning for threats in the environment. Imagine that you're trying to focus on your dreams and hopes and aspirations. And there's a part of you that has no concern for that whatsoever. It is only focused on what is the next threat? will you respond to that, you will respond to your highest, your highest thoughts, your highest aspirations, your highest desires, your true heart's desires. And that's where you must take the journey. This is this is where we get deeply spiritual. And that is a spiritual journey to move from your head to your heart. Your head has no understanding as to why you ever need to visit down down to the towards your heart. What's down, yeah, I mean, I can do everything that you need done up here, what's the issue, but until the unconscious becomes conscious, it will direct your life. And you will call it fate, you must travel to your heart so you can see yourself. So you can see those things that you are afraid of learning about yourself. There really weren't things to be afraid of. They were misunderstandings. And also you understand that your fear is no more than a mirage, because the more that you move towards it, the more it dissipates. Because it's false evidence appearing real. It's not even real smoke and mirrors. It's the boogeyman you created and convinced that it was true for you. And now you respond to it. And web intentionality wherever you direct your attention. Again, intentionality reflects relationships that are more intentional that you respond to your fears, the more real it is for you, because you're declaring based off of your authority to say this is true, an elephant doesn't need to be in the room for you to say that is true for you. A sneak doesn't need to be in the room for you to declare that is true for you. And you'd respond from that. We see this with people who suffer from severe mental illnesses and psychosis. But let me tell you, that is no more than a reflection of ourselves. Because we also in we have an inner world going on, and we have an inner family going on. And that family has thoughts and fears and concerns about different things. And it responds to things that may not be present in the physical. Yeah. All right, let me let me slow up because the brother I want them to know about you and learn about you. So let me just pause. I'm just feeling inspired to speak today, man. I appreciate
Unknown Speaker 17:25
you all do what you do.
Harry Turner 17:29
But please tell us more about the template man like the manifestation play sheet. So this play sheet, is this like a physical play sheet? Oh, like, what is it?
Jeff McKoy 17:38
Well, the manifestation play sheet. It's one thing a lot of entrepreneurs that that that that are out there, they don't realize this, there are people that talk about spirituality, they understand it and understand well, and they, they help people to get better lives and things of that nature. But then you got the entrepreneurial world, they say, Okay, well, it's all about the money. And I just gotta grind. I just gotta hustle that out. And my thing is, I bridge the gap. I grew up in a church background. And I'm like, Look, why does the why is the face of every other religion working but mine? And I'm like, What's going on keeping it real? Why is it if I think I had a truth, if I believe I have a truth, right, my deal working what's going on. So I'm like, Look, I need to do some, I need to dig a little and see what it is that I'm missing or haven't seen or hadn't quite heard and understood. And I learned to eat the meat, spit out the bone. I'm not changing my religion. But I see something. And I understand what's taking place and that it works. And it's not going to get what I believe I might hope everybody has their own customers, they have their own world that they're creating for themselves. And so as I dove into that stuff, that's kind of what got me into this world. I was already a marketing business coach, and I started looking at why people aren't getting the results. And when I started applying the things is here's the crazy part is that when I started applying, and then I started getting things popping up. I mean, I started getting $10,000 clients with my business when I had been struggling for months and stuff like that. And I started getting things where I'd miss a flight going somewhere. And then I kept I get an unexpected find. I felt like I had the wee hours and one pop up 30 minutes later. And then I land at the destination on the other side of the country two minutes later to my original flight stuff like that happens all the time, I might, I might be focusing on a certain number of revenue dollars that I want that might be 30 $40,000. And I'm thinking it's coming one way, but because I didn't build up so much energy of who I am and understanding my identity and knowing that there is an infinite abundance that I am deserving of and have access to if I can claim it, and I can believe it within myself out the darkness, then I can still continue to move forward. And there might be some slight detours along the way. And but yet it still comes about it don't have to come the way I plan because the thing is you don't have to always know the house. You just have to have a clear vision of where you're going. And when you have that clear vision of where you're going. The house will come as you move forward. And that's what our workplace Right. So you don't want to be out there working by yourself and only by your own energy and going by limited scope of your own conscious knowledge of what's going on around you and your past experiences, that is not even humidity and a drop of the ocean, you know, that you need to be able to tap into something higher than yourself. And that's what manifestation is about, from my perspective, is being able to tap in to that higher self of that higher version of you, your spirit, your subconscious, and being able to get answers that are not cognitively available in your neighbor resources and things that might be around you. You need that divine drop in that was a boom, here he is, yeah, this is what you need to get over there.
Harry Turner 20:40
Yes, devil's advocate. If you're seeking a life coach, nocturnal therapist is the name and mental alchemy is the game. If you want to understand how to transmute transform, and transcend these challenges in these challenging emotions, by me at the School of outliers at become an outlier.com/links. Again, that's become an outlier.com/links, stay lit and agape. Let me change that up curiosity. And I know that this is this is important for the people who you know, we may be in a space of bah humbug. So let me ask you, how is it? In a world where it's all about the money? Are you able to let's say you branch out and decided to be a life coach, how you are in you have to put certain systems in place. But those systems require work. Those workers require money, and you come from a place physically where it is not in abundance, physically. How do you make that jump? Because it's easy look, if if I'm born middle class and, and upper class and my people got things aligned for me and all this other foolishness Look, I told a friend recently I said, for most black people, the word inheritance, we treat inheritance, we treat that same as we treat Santa Claus. They don't come round yet. Inheritance. Exactly. What the hell? What? That's a thing. I heard of that before. What? So when you come from that, because it's easy. It's a lot easier when you come with some safety net, there are strong safety net with some cushions, you know, I mean, and I mean, I lose good cushions, too. It's easier to speak that speak. So what do you say to the person that's trying to make something out of nothing,
Jeff McKoy 22:36
okay, to the person who's trying to make something out of nothing. First of all, when we understand and I don't want to get too deep on it, but I want to, I want to try and give an answer to that when we understand that everything is a form of energy, we start looking at it all we understand the matter is made of compounds, compounds made up of atoms and atoms broken down into protons, neutrons, electrons, and those even broke down into subatomic particles. And beneath all of that, they have these subatomic particles that actually bounce in and out of reality. So it has the ability to shift. And this is scientifically proven, it has the ability to shift its form and become a part of something different than what it was originally apart. And our spiritual alignment will allow us to tap into that and create form. So when we are putting our focus and our thoughts with them being real things, and having real substance to actually create. That's that creative power. So when that's when you have the universe creating things for us, we the cosmos that we exist in, and we have that same creative power within us to create that within our lives. That's why it's so important that we were watching what we're speaking because those words, as they originate in our ears and our thoughts, and they drop down to our solar plexus and become a part of our spirit, and they become the Word becomes flesh. And then it starts creating the world around us. So first of all, you have to work on that inner part that's going to that's going to allow you to shift the energy of how you see because you can, if you first of all, you think money came from the MIT or the paper or some outside construct, see, money can't even be invented from that person's perspective. Because money is a spiritual thing. You can even have money without spiritual you have yet to be able to inject that energy into it and shift your beliefs about money. I heard a written job price he said money he used it as an acronym mo EY, is my own natural energy, yield. That's money, my own natural energy yield. So first of all, my being something that is mine, it's like I own it, I own it and own it. It belongs to me, natural God given God creates now this nature around us, we understand that we see it growing up around us all the time. Energy is what is that the core and the center of every single thing and then when we put our own nature, in the energy of our nature into work, then it yields us money. So we have to shift
Harry Turner 25:00
In your head, oh, I make no finished sad.
Jeff McKoy 25:03
Okay, so we actually have to shift our energy in order to see our relationship because you have a relationship with money, just like you have it with people. And however, that relationship is your self concept as it pertains to money, that's the way money is gonna behave with you. Because just because you have a limitation in money is not limited, because some people have more than they'll ever be a lifestyle. It's about the relationship with money. And if you look at it, the way the universe is designed with God is that He created infinite abundance everywhere you go inside, look at trees, how many leaves on these trees this time of year, I mean, and you drive down a country road, how much grass somebody blades coming out of all the sand on the beach, I mean, we are taking breaths and sits got. No, we gotta be taking big breaths. But we know that next was there, we don't think about it, we just know it's there. And when you get to the place to work, you aren't worried about money. Because when you focus on worry, you're attracting that thing that you don't want. So you say, oh, man, it's so hard, I need some money. Oh, so universal guy says, Oh, you want some more need some money. So you just need some money. So you got to shift yourself out of that needs the money, and you got to do something that's selfless. And take your focus off it because people are focusing on money is in effect, it's not the cause. underneath everything is a spiritual layer of cause. And once you understand that, you will be able to allow money to take form on top of that cause and it will show up in your life instead of coming to you in infinite directions. But when you are starting from the beginning, you don't want to believe that you don't want to buy that you want to say well, I just don't have it right now. You need to say something, you stop me anytime. You just say I want to I want to, I don't have it right now. So you start where you are, and you use what you get. That's where faith comes. In my religious belief, Jesus, he had to fish and five loaves of bread to feed back out. So you use what you get. And when you start shifting your beliefs and your perspective about the little bit that you get. I mean, even I don't have a money issue. But when I started looking around in fancy opinion, where oh, Money comes to me, and I expect it. So when I see it, I don't just walk over, I have a respect relation relationship. I respect money, he respects me. So he's hanging out. That's the way it works. And when you shift your self image and your concept about how you see money, you can start with a small thing you don't have to start with, according to your level of faith, start where you are, on the level that you are, you may say, hey, well, I don't have a whole lot to do all that. But do what you can do with a little bit that you have. And set aside something, it may be that hey, you got to take a small portion and back somebody behind you at a restaurant or at a drive thru, pay for the man behind your meal. That's showing the universe showing god hey, I know that money belongs to me, they don't come to me, so I can release it. The thing is, when you hold on to it, and you hoard it, it's not doing you good. It's not doing anyone else. Well, when you let it go, it's taken care of the children take care of the household, take care of it, taking the family out paying their electric bill, when you see it, that energy going to you and serving a higher cost than just yourself, and you think you're just gonna stack it out for me, because there's a limited supply, you realize ain't no limited supply, and you can let it go freely, you freely let it go. It can freely flow and you can become a conduit through which money can flow on a regular basis. And you don't think that another like it's like when they ask you Well, what do you think about money? I don't think about it belongs.
Harry Turner 28:18
So let me ask you this brother, this is beautiful. And I'm grateful to have some who understand rather who has done the intentional study to understand certain truths. With that being said, differentiate what you say from Calvinism, because I don't want I know, it's not about what I want. But do not believe that it is just from a Calvinistic view, which you have not in my opinion proportioned at all, but from a Calvinistic view, it is if you are poor, it's very much like a caste system. If you are poor or you are impoverished, it's because you have no faith. The last thing I in this space, at least one any person who is struggling financially to believe that you're struggling financially because you don't have faith? No, it's those that have those opinions, who are really that I see who are holding into the holding on to the most faith, they given the last based off of their faith. So I don't want anybody who's an outlier, or who listens to anything I got to deal with believe that I endorse Calvinistic views because that is antithetical to what I what I understand that you believe what you want, you know, respect for what you believe you are a Calvinist, you are Calvinists. I'm not saying you know, kick rocks or whatever, but just kick rocks here. This is just where this is what we believe. So can you distinguish for the people the difference between what I said what articulate is it? Is it a form of of Calvinism, where the root is really if you if you have money, then that means you have faith? If you don't have money, that means you don't have any faith?
Jeff McKoy 29:48
Well, the thing faith is, the thing goes with faith is a component. If you have faith, you're taking action. And the thing is, is that a portion of that Action is what exemplifies faith, you can't, you can't necessarily see faith. It's not something just touching and feel. But you can see somebody moving towards something, or taking a little step here, and they're making a little bit of progress. They don't necessarily expect to conquer the world overnight. Because everybody has a tiny bit of faith that they know, hey, if I go hit this light switch on the wall lights on, come on. So everybody worked with some type of faith somewhere, even though they don't understand how electricity works. They know if I hit the switch, the lights going to come on. So at the level that you're at your faith might be you just trust in the head. I'm going to have dinner tonight. And I'm going to feed my children tonight. It where is it looking in your pockets? Isn't that cool. But when you can tap in from the perspective of understanding that you are just not out here, willy nilly going all by yourself, having to figure it out with all of the complexity of man that God created, the universe is created. I mean, it's, it's, it's unfathomable to me to, for people to think we just evolved from an amoeba into this super high hydro, complicated creature that can process 500,000 different decisions inside our body in one second, it's hard for me to fathom that, if that's going to take place without some type of spiritual component that's taking place inside. And so I understand everybody's not going to be there, they're not going to, because I wasn't there. That was the reason why I went out on a search to try and find out, why is my faith not working for me, because there was some things, once you start getting into line with truth, that's when the facts don't matter, you can begin to shift those things that are in your environment, because our mind is like a garden in it. And initially, it may not be you got the faith that you need to grab everything. But once you understand starting to understand what money is, and and stop thinking of it as a paper thing, because then you put your trust in the money, and you put your trust in the effect. And so that's why when people make money suddenly, and they start, oh, I got money, I'm good now, because they feel like they have gotten their Savior, if you will. And the truth of the matter is, is when you focus on the money, you're focusing on the tech, but you're taking your eyes off the cause that created and the part of creating as as energetic beings, part of our job is to put what little bit of faith we have in our capacity to work to create something that is a value to something else, I have a couple of books out like my second book, EP three, unleash your ethical passion, power purpose, that book was number one on Amazon and a category. And that particular book, you know, if you look at the at the price of that book and say, okay, hey, I'll pay $20 for this book isn't worth $20, maybe to you is not worth $20, but to the next person who understands what I am imparting, it can be worth 1000s, to that person. So you have to be able to give of your natural energy, and whatever form it may be. And the less you choose to use your mind and your spirit, the more you have to depend upon your hands, your back, and the back and hands painless. The mind of the Spirit pays more. So you choose.
Harry Turner 33:09
So I'm here in some practical steps here. What you have is more than enough. So the I mean, it is this my takeaway what you have is more than enough. And I'll say this is a lesson that that I myself has. I've been learning. And I've learned over time, but it wasn't until actually my most recent history where this affirmation came along. And I actually felt it. It says you have more than enough, you said that you have a proprietary system that you teach as a part of your framework to persuasive influence of ethical communication expression, the peace formula for short. I don't know how to say it a few booboo words on here. So I hope I ain't violating the ethics. Yeah, but can you explain this right here? Brother? Can you talk to people about this?
Jeff McKoy 33:56
Well, basically, it ties in with the with the manifestation play sheet, as well as the manifestation play sheet in and of itself is kind of just like a preload, to helping people to understand that they've started going through a process of taking steps is basically a walk into meditation is going to allow you to get into the inner space, so that you can start creating things in your inner world that your spirit can attach to and align with, so that you that you will so constantly begin to move in the direction you need to move towards as you keep that focus in front of you. But at the same token, you understand you have to have something you have to offer. If you're giving my own natural energy yield. That means you have to have something that you're offering that can be blessed by your energy. So when you put your energy out there, you're looking at it. We've talked about the peacefulness or the persuasive influence of ethical communicative expression. I understand that there's only two reasons why people do anything and you're talking about selling your services or your ability, your capacity. They only got to do something for two reasons. There's either something that they want or there's something They don't want to experience something they want to experience or something they don't want to experience. Those are the two motivators, main motivators. And if you can understand that, then from there, you can actually tap into the things that's going to drive them to motivate them. And you'll be able to give them the things that they want, you understand what they want. This on the other side of that bridge that we talked about spiritual bridge I was telling you about. That is that's that connection, when you're trying to figure it out on your own, there may not be no regular, logical thinking path, you may have to depend upon something being dropped into the spirit. And those are those times you got to be able to step aside and go into your inner world. And sometimes you gotta just ask the question and shut up, be still. And listen, you got to be ready to receive what's rapid your spirit, you got to be ready to receive what dropped in your spirit, that you could not come up with your own intellect. Because we've been limited and finite, there's no way we can know everything and all of the multiplicity of possibilities, as far as how something could go. That's the reason why you can have a vision that's clear in your spirit. And you can believe by just attaching your emotion and your feelings to when you believe it. When you believe that you apply your love to it. And we apply that love to love it has, it's an act, but it has an emotion to it, that emotion isn't there. You can't really say you believe something, because you're fighting something somebody make you miss somebody slap your mom, you want to fight somebody bother your spouse, or your wife or husband or whatever that means you will stand up for that because you believe they belong to you. That's your church, that right there. And so when you believe it to the point to where it excites you from the inside, you say I know it's real, even though I don't see it physically. I ignore my natural eyes. Yeah, I use it to walk around and interact with people. But I don't look through those ads. I look through that gift of imagination, that gift that I was given in my spirit to be able to see clear and vivid detail where I'm going. Where I'm going to add know when I get the idea to recognize when a fight because this is already there, I knew I was going. So when you can make that picture so clear. And then you can get in those long times. And you can sit down he require you to ask the question could shut up and listen and trust that God is going to deliver you the answer. When you sit there and acknowledge it's like, the more you become conscious of the presence, and you're more and more susceptible you become to receiving and it's like the more you acknowledge the present, the more you acknowledge God molding you knowledge the universe, the more it will pay attention to you. It says, Oh, they recognize them here. No, in the Bible. It says, Yeah, I stand at the door knock. So it's like God waiting for you paying some attention. Open the door. Shut up that hey, come on in. Come on. Wait for you. Come on, out to me. I'm quiet, right here. Come on in my living room, get my mind, talk to me, give me the answer that I could not get out on my own. And if nobody else I could ask for no other place. I just got another shiny object Acrobat or thing I could pick up to help me get over this hole. And nobody no piece of the hole. But I know that you can lift me up and elevate me over this bridge to the other side to where I'm trying to get to. And that's what this is all about.
Harry Turner 38:05
Had to give you that applause I had to give you that applause brother humbly. And if I may regard not regurgitate, but I'm gonna just state my my mind the way that I conceptualize it. In addition to the way you conceptualize it, there are endless possibilities. There's a physical world, and then there's beyond there just call it beyond. And there are endless possibilities in this quantum field. And us as CO creators, we latch on to certain thoughts and possibilities, and dependent on how strong our faith is. And our vision, we continue to stare at that possibility. And wherever attention goes, energy flows. And so in this quantum field, we continue to stare and latch on to this and even move towards it as we pull it towards us. And we're pouring more and more energy into it as our thoughts words and deeds align with that possibility. And then eventually, that possibility in the quantum realm become so dense that it can no longer stay and remain in the quantum realm. It collapses into the physical and now you have manifested that what you have sought to manifest through thought were the is that something is that in the realm of what you were saying brother doesn't want
Unknown Speaker 39:19
to hit the fan with the hammer here
Harry Turner 39:26
the razzle dazzle every now and again, you know, I'm saying razzle dazzle. Brother, look, I It's been such a pleasure to have you on the show, man. Like I've been putting up the excuse me, I've been putting up your links, but for those of us and I know you're gonna flow better than I flow with this one. For those of us who are listening as opposed to viewing this on YouTube. Can you just please tell the people where to find you at?
Jeff McKoy 39:52
Okay, you can find me on Facebook at Jeff McCourt, actually the real Jeff McCoy's my actually business page on Facebook and And I'm also at the real just McCoy on Instagram. Those are the places where you can find me most. And you can reach out to me if you also tap into that the link tree link, it gives you the whole list of places you can catch up with me and how you can correspond with me and so forth. But those are the places that I am most visible is on Facebook and on Instagram, and I'm doing my best I'm trying to give of myself because I want to help make this world a better place. I want more people to understand the truth to create more people who understand the truth, so we can make this whole situation better for all.
Harry Turner 40:35
People one last time for people. All right, brother in Is there anything else you would like to say?
Jeff McKoy 40:40
I would just like to say I appreciate you taking the opportunity allowing me an opportunity to share with your audience. I'm humbled and appreciative and blessed by you and your wisdom, your insight, your true, real 100 talk. I love it. Sometimes, you know, we've been a PK. Sometimes I had to be politically correct. But I understand. I said, oh, let's move on. Let's move to it for you.
Harry Turner 41:04
Exactly, exactly. It just kicks you out. Oh no. Both of us are Piquet's on the stage. Now, both of us are PKs. We're just one of Piquet's right here into that a kid. The other one is an outlier.
Harry Turner 41:25
Brother man, but it's been so good to have you on this show. Like seriously, I really respect you, man. And I appreciate the wisdom and knowledge to drop in man and ignorance and free freedom can coexist. So I'm always looking for people drop knowledge, man. So I'm definitely going to be in touch. I'm gonna stay in touch. I mean, I got to develop a communication system. This is one of the things I realized I had to be intentional about developing a communication system to stay in communication with my people, because it's so easy for me, when I do not practice, practice, practice that skill of networking and continuing that that relationship so easy for me to keep on working, working working on these projects that I'm doing without the connection and so I just want to say it on here that I definitely have every intention on being intentional about maintaining connection with your brother and also learning from your man because this energy of money and whatnot that is still with so many of us having traumatic experiences from being impoverished and whatnot it's one of the hardest things to wear shorts
Unknown Speaker 42:23
was wrong wear shorts withdrawal so
Harry Turner 42:31
my people made sure I got them drones but yeah, from from the trenches. Alright, so this brother has has been the expanded. That's why you teaching is a matter of fact, man that's just been there, you've been there, you understand. And you understand now so I appreciate that. So I'm gonna be looking at your stuff for that as well. So I can get more enlightenment on that end. So I can continue to heal from my my, my wounds of life without having a completely different perception or what you think about banks, I'll just say this, banks make more money off of impoverished folk than rich forever, because it'll constant NSF fees that we give them, they bank on us not being able to pay to get them NSF fees and have to pay no in that bank. And it's as a part of the whole system. And so locked into this rat race. That's what I call it the trap, the rat race lochans That rat race? Do you hit some of these things? And it's like, what I just got this rude person who talked to me like I was trash, like I was black trash, in this bank. See this, this and this, when I even thought about mentioning, possibly learning about a bank loan, you know, I mean, and so when you encountering that, you got to understand as well I say Tupac said that, it's hard to be an angel, when you're surrounded by demons, when you hear a whole bunch of these Nose, nose, nose, you can't you can't you can't you can't you got to make sure that you affirm your truth by saying you can you can you can and continuing to look at what it is that you're looking at. Because all those you can't see those represent in my faith, the parable that I mentioned earlier, those waves that are coming away and scare you and make you lose and it's there to influence you to lose faith so that you st but the race is not given to the Swift but to those that didn't do it. No matter how fast anybody else is going anywhere. They're mad about anybody else journey all together. It's about your journey. They say you can I'll end it with my favorite author. He says Seek not the path to God but rather to see God on your path. You see when you begin to look and you begin to really search engine you close these eyes that the two eyes that are constantly looking outward and attaching your identity to what's on the outside. When you close his eyes and you open up this eye right here which looks inside then you start to gain that insight and when you get that insight and you bring that into the outer world now you experiencing things on a whole new level. And I'm done. I'm done man. I'm done. I'm done. I appreciate you being here brother. Real Talk look, outliers this has been Season Three another episode of season three. I got my brother on here. Jeff McCoy with a que McCoy with a que yo on mental alchemy and entrepreneurs manifestation play sheet. I appreciate y'all listening. I appreciate my brother being here dropping knowledge sharing the stage is real. They've been a blessing and y'all stay lit stay living and y'all true and we are out