Harry Turner
Welcome seekers of truth to another season "Is That SOO?" Here we embark on the journey together a quest not just for answers, for the right questions that lead us to the core of who we are. Season Four unfolds with many insights and revelations that challenge us to peel away the facades and meet our authentic selves. Let's be illuminated, transformed, and indeed become lit. The knowledge of our true selves, welcome outlier. What's going on on outliers out there? Welcome to another amazing episode of Is that so I have a very special guest that I'm about to bring to the stage, Mr. Andrew Dewar, who's going to talk to us about over overcoming limiting beliefs. But before we begin, and I bring my brother on the stage, know why you hear your why is important. They that have a why can bear almost anyhow, He that has he she they that have a why can bear almost anyhow. So always know your Wi Fi. When you ask yourself, or reconnect with your why what you're doing is connecting your daily mission to your values based intention. When you do that, then your motivation gets turned on to autopilot. Because at that point, it's no longer about how you feel. It's just who you are. And so know your why. And then that why connects you to your truth. And so this season this year, and honestly moving forward, first, Welcome to Season Four again. But this year, it's all about the Lindy effect. It's about moving from eye level to Sky level. You see Eye level is the snapshot view of things. It's from the me perspective, Sky level is the panoramic view of things. It's when you can get outside of just you and then be present with what is and when you see what is. Oh, when you see the truth of what is, then you know, you don't need to force anything to happen. You could just let it be what is going to be waiting. That's a concept of action through inaction, which sounds contradictory, but life has its own flow. And we fool ourselves when we think that we can force life a certain kind of way, a certain direction. My favorite author, he says, Think not that you could direct the course of love, with love find you worthy indirectly, of course, I'll tell you think not that you can direct the course of you finding and discovering and recovering your truth. Because if truth find you worthy, it directs your course. So what is truth? What is truth? Exactly? Simply put, truth is the accurate expression of things essence, it is the accurate expression of essence. That's why we can live in non truth for so long. That's why we can have these limiting beliefs for our entire lives, is because we live in non truth. But perception is reality. And so we don't see things as they are, but as we are. And so if we say that this non truth is true for us, us being humans, we have this unique ability to be able to live that out. So then we live in falsehood, we live in non truth, and then that pain, or that calling just keeps getting louder and louder, until eventually we choose to desist. The system means to change directions, we don't resist, because whatever we resist persists, because if I resist it, I have to put my attention on it to fight with it. And we have attention goes energy flows. And so we don't want to put more energy into it. So we don't resist we do this we change direction. And we move back in alignment and alignment with what we're what our truth is, as we continue to discover and recover the true essence of who we are authentically beyond the Eagles mask or behind rather, the Eagles mask. So I love it a sky lead was moving from your head down to your heart. And I'm gonna walk welcome my brother onto the stage and get ready for an amazing episode. I was already battling with them backstage. Again, Mr. Andrew, do war Welcome to stage brother welcome to the stage. Thank you very much. Thanks
Andrew Dewar
for having me. I was just watching the your intro is awesome. You have a great way of expressing yourself and thank you humbled and humbled.
Harry Turner
I am in we're we're i a bit fair skinned you would see me turn red
brother, welcome.
Andrew Dewar
Thank you very much.
Harry Turner
If you don't mind, can you give the people So, a little bit about your background. I'm gonna step out for just a second, but people a little bit about the background. I appreciate it. Yeah, absolutely.
Andrew Dewar
I like to say I'm an accountant turned blogger turned marketer turned healer. And the only one that was purposeful was the beginning marketer one, and then everything else just kind of unfolded, but sort of the accountant one, and I have had a very, very big midlife awakening. And I spent my whole life trying to find safety. I was raised in a very caring home, but my sister had autism, very severe back in a time where we didn't really know a lot about autism, it was like, I think back then it might have been one 100,000. And now it's much more prevalent. And so here I am, in this place where there's not that many people that understand it, and my sister, we were I was her protector, I tried to keep her safe. And then around the age of 1213, for myself, I ended up being the target of her anger that came out of nowhere, and she would try to kill me, there would be times where there's nothing happening, she would walk into a room, grab the first thing she saw, and through it. And that could have been a book, scissors, whatever. And what happened to me then was I was raised, feeling unsafe in my home, and I wasn't the only target, my father was the target. For months, we would sleep in my bedroom with our feet against the floor, because you just never know if she was going to wake up in the middle of the night and feel about. And it was a really hard time. So that led me down a different road. And I'm very grateful for because I wouldn't be here for that, for that not happening. And what I had was this outside world when you're a teenager, you know, it's unsafe, it's all of this stuff. And then you come home, which is supposed to be your safe place. And I didn't have that. So I really grew up trying to make myself feel safe, and failed miserably at it in the beginning, and then got better. So I didn't know how to live life. I followed everybody's ideas. I got married to a wonderful lady. We recently divorced as part of this awakening that's happening. We have two beautiful children, I live my life. For them. My thought was, if everyone else around me is happy, then by means I'll be happy. And it was the thing I kind of had in the background. But in the real far back when I wasn't aware of was I need to be safe. And I started to recognize that I had all of these beliefs that were hidden. And they were holding me back. And
Harry Turner
whoa, spoiler alert. Spoiler alert, hold on, hold on
Andrew Dewar
that I go too far too fast. I'm a terrible nurse
Harry Turner
you do agree that you are in alignment. But you know, I had I had this question right here because it sounds like you're going into it. So Andrew, could you share with us the pivotal moment that led you to focus on overcoming limiting beliefs and personal growth? Absolutely.
Andrew Dewar
So what happened to me seven or eight years ago is I was getting sicker and sicker I was having indigestion My heart just felt empty. But I was ignoring it because that's what we do as men right we we we just push it down and put you know you feel an emotion I put him in the emotional garage in a box. Like I don't need to deal with that because we don't deal with our feelings well then life when you have your purpose in life and you keep ignoring it. Life will hit you upside the head and mine literally happened playing hockey. I was playing and I felt now I fell in a million times in hockey but that particular time I felt the same way and I gave myself TMJ and a concussion and I did what every you know stubborn male does I finished the game that I played the second one afterwards because why not? And then the six weeks after that are a blur was Christmas I I was falling asleep everywhere. I couldn't look at a bright light. And it was that was my pivotal moment. But it still took me several years of like going and trying to physically fix my stuff. You know I'm having this these indigestion issues my jaws like all these things and I've learned now that like your job is control so you know like universe is like really really trying to wake me up. And I was just fighting it like I don't have a good analogy and that when I was trying to come up with fun but it just didn't flow so we will move on. I then kind of kept on going with it and I was going to an acupuncturist and I finally got to the point where like the jaw was better. It kind of came and went the head was better. It's everything is great now and And finally I'm like, Well, I'm still having indigestion like, what are you eating? Nothing, I have cut everything out of my diet. I'm you know, and then I was prompted by someone to say like, you know, when your head and your heart are disagreeing, that's where it's going to hit. And suddenly, I don't know what happened in that moment. But I burst out crying. And what followed, that was a year of starting to come to my call and face a lot of different things. And one of the things was overcoming that trauma that I mentioned, with my sister. And as we were doing that I had never gone to therapy as an adult. My parents tried it with me when I was going through this stuff with my sister, but I didn't like how it ended up. So I kind of had a block there. I had like, no, that's going to be painful. I don't want to do that. And someone suggested EMDR to me, and that I movement, desensitization recognition as basically, you go back through it in you through the eye of movements that you follow the light back and forth. And it really does release the trauma that is stuck in your body. And it was, it was mind blowing, I would walk out of these hour, two hour sessions, releasing something and I was just like, it's gone. And that kind of got me into it. Just it I went from a little black and white TV to IMAX and just seeing the whole world differently. Because up until that point, I was kind of No, this is 3d stuff. And there's Yeah, sure there's energy and maybe I get that but you know, I don't know what a chakra is or anything else. And you know, time went on and I started I went to my first Reiki session. And, and that kind of led me into like, Okay, well, what is this all about? My friend kept suggesting I try it not knowing any of the problems or anything. And I went to it, and I slept for two days afterwards. She's like, we released a lot. I'm sure you did. And you're gonna be tired, dammit. Yeah, sure I am. And then I got home Saturday at noon and woke up Friday or Monday morning. Oh, okay. So yeah, there's, there's a lot here that I don't get. And now I'm going to explore, I've always kind of been the tech crash test dummy of personal development. And I was like, Okay, so I'm going through all this trauma and all these things. But I recognize that there was a way to do this. And long story short, it's kind of too late for that. But I led me to Theta Healing. And I met a theta healer, which my Reiki person suggested. And I did that. And again, it was like an hour session, I unearth these beliefs that I had had, and all these things that I wasn't aware of, until I started talking about it and crying about it, crying about it, then I cried about it. And then it got released. But it was so cathartic, once you start kind of getting in tune with your emotions. Once you get into with your emotions more and more, and you let things flow, you feel so much better. And I'm so grateful for it. And then in the last while I have become a theta healer, and it's it's wonderful. I'm very grateful for the past life is been leading me. But I will say that the accountant from 10 years ago would just laugh in my face. And in fact, the person a year ago who had gotten divorced and was in a place on his own for the first time and having to decide these things for themselves. And overthinking, like deciding to crack himself open and go into all this personal growth limiting beliefs. He would laugh at me right now, there's no way that changes that would have happened this year. It's just not possible. But when you kind of stopped swimming upstream and go with the current, you go a lot faster. And that's that's kind of what's happened. That's exactly what's happened. Also,
Harry Turner
when you thank you for all of that I a few comments, I was trying to make some notes while you were talking. Oh, for sure. Also, when you stumble even when we stumble, we still stumble forward. And when we stumble fall, when we stumble forward faster than we would have to be not stumbled out altogether. So it's at these pivotal moments, divorce, separation, death, heartbreak, is that these pivotal moments, you know, the Chinese symbol for crisis, even though now they say it's a little it's a little different. But the way I was taught in crisis training, the Chinese symbol for crisis is the combination of the words danger and opportunity. So where there is great pain, where there's great stress is also your greatest opportunity because planes fly against the wind, not with it. And so you know, that lift off that feeling that you get right before that plane takes off. And so it's really an opportunity for you to elevate and by elevate. I'm not talking about anything physical. I'm talking about the internal so your level of awareness, your level of consciousness, because at different levels of consciousness, there are certain abilities and options that we can see that are there. vailable to us, which is why we can say that person back then would have never x x, y, z. Yeah, because those options, that's not even an option at that level of consciousness. But when you begin to trans in levels of consciousness, you begin to move from eye level to Sky level to snapshot view, there's this one perspective to the panoramic view, you're able to take in more you're more aware of life and so from that place, you can see way more options, of course easily and see more options then a groundhog, you know, so it's, it's essentially you know, that also you mentioned digestion issues and because you know, that you mentioned that I've said before, but the stomach is the digestion center of the energetic body. So if you're having issues in the stomach, you want to ask yourself, what is it that I'm not accepting? What is it that's not sitting with me, right? What is it that I keep trying to push down that I don't want to deal with especially if you have chronic constipation or any type of issues with digestion altogether and men we typically have those types of issues along with especially with African American men a prevalence of colon cancer, there's no coincidence between pushing things down in the prevalence of cancer you can't push that hate down you got to get that out animals have that naturally. You know, when a gazelle if they in a near death experience and they get away you'll see when they get back to the group to the tribe that they will do this jerk and and dance and and jump in motion that's them getting the trauma out of their body. Unfortunately for us, or maybe it's a blessing but it's a gift it's a gift and curse at the same time. We have the option of not dispersing that trauma and so when you don't deal with your trauma your trauma deals with you and energy continues to remain in motion it's it's emotions, those emotions become anchors and the emotion is energy in motion so because you disparate didn't disperse it is still remaining emotion, but it's emotion trapped inside of you so then it becomes self sabotaging to your energetic body. It causes more chaos. Okay, so let me stop right there digestion issue stomach issues you want to look at, you know what it is you're not accepting bruxism, which is what the the grinding of the teeth, you named it, you know, it's, it's, it's stress, you know, it's just distress. So if you have bruxism, you're grinding your teeth. It's you want to you know, bruxism and digestion issues go hand in hand. And lastly, because I like to give information man, I love going to the ER directly from the EMDR Institute Incorporated. Eye Movement Desensitization, desensitization, desensitization. Yeah, that word is so such a funny word. Right? It's hard at branding, really, for real. And reprocessing? So Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a psychotherapy treatment that is designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. And I received EMDR as well, because, you know, the best there are the best therapists have therapists, you know, I'm saying like, you got it, you know, if you're not gonna have a chef, like, go eat his own food, you know, I mean, like, what type of chef is this, you know, what we get here, but anyway, I received it as well. So you know, it is can be beneficial. If you just went with the complex PTSD. That's the last thing I'll say, with a complex PTSD, when you have adverse childhood experiences throughout your life, you will find that it's, it may be hit and miss with that, you know, sometimes a hit. Yeah. Sorry. Go ahead. No,
Andrew Dewar
I'm just listening.
Harry Turner
Yeah, at least that's what I find. Because my focus and my private practice, which I'm transitioning away from, it's, it's traumatology. That's my focus. And so, you know, a bulk of my people have complex PTSD, it's just not just one major event. It's a childhood of feeling unsafe. And in that sympathetic mobilization, fight or flight state, we already we've been in that state for the longest 400 million years according to polyvagal theory. And so we wake up that's pretty much all default. So when we have these traumatic events, combined with the epigenetic history, just our DNA, I mean, those fear those traumatic moments they become seen mented in a mind that has a negativity bias and based office in his is geared towards survival alone. You know what, there's a difference between merely existing and truly living that's the issue yet the ego will have you surviving, because that's what it was designed to do. But it doesn't care anything about living so anything beyond those other brackets of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, All it cares about is that first bracket that you are saved, you got food, you know, that's it, nothing belongingness and the rest of this, okay, I know we're gonna get into all of this man, but you know, you're inspiring a lot of thoughts. You're inspiring a lot of thoughts, please.
Andrew Dewar
That's good. I'm happy to hear them brings me brings me joy. One of the things too that and this is more recent, but you're right with EMDR like nothing. You have to find what works best for you. No, I'm not, you know, I do my thing. But one of the reasons why I never wanted to go to therapy was because I like to do things. And the idea of going and sitting down and talking and talking and talking and talking about my childhood just did not seem very appealing. And what I found from doing dating only now, and just I coach people and kind of do, I gave my my background. And it's definitely not how I've mapped it out when starting out of high school, but you know, when is it over? And what I, what I found was, a lot of us, and I was in this boat, we don't know, certain feelings. And I didn't think I was gonna go down this path. But that's part of overcoming limiting beliefs. Most most people, they don't love themselves. That was I got a whole story about that for another time, if you want. But the the crux of it was that I didn't love myself, I had never felt safe. I didn't know what these feelings had, I didn't feel worthy, I didn't feel like I belonged. I just felt out. And when you have all those feelings for a very long time, you develop some very dark thoughts. And I just thought, nobody talked about these things. Nobody said, Well, I have dark thoughts too. And then you talk about them. And they'd be like, what's your dark thought and you're like, that I'm not going to get my new car. Like that's not a dark thought. That's, there's something beyond that. And so it takes that that moment, that ability to kind of look at yourself and go, I don't want to feel like this anymore. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done being done being Andrew, I remember being Andy and I'm gonna go try to rediscover Andy right now, because Andy was a beautiful little boy never felt like he was at the time, but who cared about everybody who was kind to everybody, he loved everybody. And I need to kind of go in and start looking at my beliefs that are keeping me away from that. And in doing that, that's where you get to rediscover yourself, maybe for the first time maybe before you can consciously remember, it's, it's worth the work, but it's not easy. But it's worth doing. I wouldn't I wouldn't have it any other way. Three
Harry Turner
birds, if you taking notes, three Burts, to all of us will experience. The first is the physical birth. The second is the birth of the cultural concepts, consciousness, this is me, this is my last name, this is where I grew up at. This is what I eat, so on and so forth, like really merging with the identity of the ego. And then that third birth is an optional one that most based off of history have not reached in that is where you shut off, or begin to give space to the ego projection of self. And then you move towards self actualization. And then you begin to see yourself a new, really through the through the eyes of love, because love and truth are married. And so you see yourself through the eyes of love for the first time. And again, what is truth? Truth is the accurate expression of the essence of a thing. You realize that you got your essence all wrong, that the way that you were looking at you was all wrong. It was from the lowest frequency, the most degra Dating level that you could be on shame, guilt, all of that you realize that you couldn't see yourself because all of that block, it was false evidence appearing real it was fear. When you choose love, then you begin to see because love and truth and marry. Absolutely.
Andrew Dewar
Love that. And you're wise. Geez and just want to go on a retreat with you for a whole week and just let you talk so I can listen to you just learn. Yeah, you're you're you're right. Oh, no worries, no worries. I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. I think I think with what we're what we're doing and speaking our truth, the way we experience it, is it's just important for everyone to know especially. I mean, this is like a 1% type of population thing that are experienced these, I call them midlife awakenings, instead of a midlife crisis. If anyone's listening and are wondering, what's the difference? One has a nice red sports car because you don't know what else to do with your life. The other one makes you recognize that there is something inside you that is missing. There's a piece that's not there. And you go finding that piece and it's not filled by the sports car or the stuff. It's filled by fulfilling your purpose and feeling that kind of wholeness. And I wake up with that every day. My life is completely different. I won the game at the time I had no beautiful family. I had the big house I paid it off in five years I worked my butt off To do that, we went on trips we did tight, we did everything, right. And I felt terrible that in the sense that I knew what I was going to do is going to change things for everybody. But I was like literally dying inside. And, you know, I had never chosen myself before, ever. And I had to make that choice. And it's one of the hardest decisions that I had to make. But once I made it, I recognize that all the pain I had gone through all the suffering all the bad things, when I worked with people, I knew I had to go through those things to be the better data healer, and I'm sure you've, you know, you don't become a therapist. If you haven't experienced some, you know, good trauma in your life and good trauma, you know, where you have to go through things, because that just makes you more relatable. It's to learn something in a book is one thing, but you can read how to do a perfect dive in a book your whole time, you don't get wet, you're not you're not going to be good at it, you know, you get your hands dirty, you get in the pool, and when that happens, it is painful. But it through that pain, you can find purpose, and mine was knowing that I'm going to suffer a lot. That's okay, I've already suffered a lot. That's great. I hope to not suffer anymore. But you know, like, and now I'm able to when somebody sits down and talks to me about something, I can go right, I'm owning my truth. And I am willing to communicate and be vulnerable with the other person through podcasts, through coaching through my blog posts and all the other stuff through my podcast. And when you do that, when you are able to own your story, and share it and be willing to be vulnerable and just own your truth, magical things happen around you. And I was told that all the time. And I've only started recognizing it in the last year because it's only been a couple years that I'm processed with the grief process with the pain, the lack. And now I'm able to see things a lot differently. And before I wrap up this long thought, it's not a I said before, it's not about the stuff. But it can be about stuff. When you come from a place of purpose. It's you know, it's one thing to want something because you want everybody's laws, encouragement, recognition. And it's another thing, when you come at it from this is who I am, this is what I want. This is what will give me most as fulfillment, but like it's an expression of myself, rather than trying to make an impression on others.
Harry Turner
You cut out the middleman, the middle of the world, you cut out the middleman be in the world. And then you you move in, you know, like that's, that's really what it is, you realize that, again, life doesn't give you what you want, but who you are. And so you cut out the middleman. And you're like, because it's always you always find yourself in a space of wanting this wanting never ceases from the mind. And and even the, as you attain more knowledge, you begin to realize that, like my brother was saying, the intellect is a separate entity from intuitive awareness. And so the mind thinks but the heart knows. And so the only way to truly know is if you move from your head down to your heart, the mind thinks and confuses thinking with knowing and so then we go based off of what we think we know, which then leads us down this uncomfortable path oftentimes, but again, my favorite author says pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding it's the bit of potion my wish to doctor within here's your sick self. So drink the potion and peace and tranquility. That pain is only there to motivate you to desist not resist fight against but to Deesis to change direction and come back into alignment. You know love not only nourishes but love also prunes and there's gonna be many moments of of pruning that happens in life. And there's gonna be many moments when you begin to walk that walk where you understand that you were blind. And now you can see and it doesn't always feel good when you start seeing because if you've been in a dog for a minute and somebody's coming turn on the light your eyes have to adjust there's a little bit of strain Yeah, yeah. So you but you lean into that discomfort because you know it's for your healing is for your truth is for your wholeness is for you to become more empowered and move back into your actual self or self actualization. Yeah, no, but please, brother and I'm and I'm sorry when I'm flowing. I might be a little late on the comments. But Hello, everyone. That's the hey hi. Hey Catherine. appreciate y'all feel it to heal it and acknowledge what it is yes, yeah. I like that. And you're very welcome. I very welcome I have so we didn't really get past the first question yet. So let me let me move down a few questions as I see how this is gonna go. All right. All right. And we started kind of talked about this but I'm I'm gonna just do it again. Just to bring back the theme of lit living in truth. You know, love that and one's essence. So how does living in truth or being lit play a role in overcoming personal limitations and fostering growth?
Andrew Dewar
How does living in truth, play a role in overcoming personal limitations? I think when we think about living in our truth that involves tuning in, and for a lot of us, we're not. Some of us are, and they're the examples that we follow. But it's very hard to live in truth when you are surrounded by you know, if everybody's blind, and you have two eyes, you're the weird one, even though you can see it, it's an unfortunate thing. So you need to know who you are. And when it comes to overcoming personal, like, limiting beliefs. Part of it. I like your analogy of like, you know, getting the the bird's eye view, I always call the getting out of the painting. Because I think when it comes to us, and we're looking at things we're going through life, and you know, well, Harry said something mean to me. So now I'm, I'm angry at Harry. And it's like, and it's Harry's fault, and I'm blaming everybody else. That's the normal kind of default a lot of us get raised with, right? It's not my, it's not my problem. It's the world that has a problem that they need to go fix, not me. But when you can step outside of that painting, when you get high, and you look down on things, what you see is, there is something inside of me, that clearly is not okay, there is something inside of me that is willing to give my power in this example to Harry, or to my spouse, or to my kids, if my boss or to the guy that just cut me off in traffic, when we when we look at like something like that, when someone cuts us off in traffic, our first reaction is going to be the anger. And that's kind of like, you know, 400 million years of like programming or Wilhelmi, of how many every years we've been as humans, we have that initial reaction. But what happens after that moment, that's the key. So if somebody cuts you off, and you have the thought, nobody respects me, or it's around that you might want to go, Well, why would I think that this the person who cuts you off does not know you, they're not thinking about you, they are in their world or getting to wherever they need to go for all you know, they're rushing their child to the hospital, you're gonna tell yourself a story at that moment, because your brain hates the emptiness. So when you can live in truth, and to grow in that moment is hard, but reflect back on it and kind of go, Okay, why would I think that? Why would I get upset with somebody cutting me off. And, you know, this is what we do with fate as you get to the root cause. Most of the time, we're looking at the leaves on the tree. And we're not thinking about the the roots that this is coming from. But it's when and this is kind of what EMDR does to when you can go down and pull out the whole route, then you make space for something new to grow. So you have to kind of bring that self awareness. And that's how like living in your truth and just seeing things and being like, clearly, they don't, I got a lifetime of issues, for lack of a better word. I don't know what else to label them in this moment. I've got these issues, I don't like them. I don't like feeling upset when I'm get cut off. I don't like the you know, that the first intention maybe is to speed up and then cut that person off. Because, you know, I'm a vengeful person, like, I need to explore that, because that is emotion that is trapped in you. And you need to explore that. And sometimes you need to get out of yourself to do it. But it's when you can become aware that you are perfectly imperfect, and accept that and accept that you can change. That's when your growth will take off. Yes,
Harry Turner
yes. We don't see things as they are. But as we are. So whatever energy comes up, you know, we can rationalize being angry over things. They wronged us, we can rationalize that from the linear mind. But again, this is where the sages and the great avatars talked about how we this this world is the mind it's it's the illusion. And the way that the mind operates. Our mind, the ego operates based off a dualistic reality, it doesn't operate from a place of nonlinear reality. And so in dualistic reality based off of survival skills, it's only looking from the perspective of me, me, me. And so everything is happening to me, me, me, when in reality, people are just being who they are the same way this man is just a painting and so on and so forth is based off of a person's inner conditions. And so if anger is in me, regardless of how rational it seems, it's anger in me, which is why Buddha comes along and says being bitter is like holding a hot piece of coal with the intent of throwing it at somebody else. The only person that gets burned is you it's it's it's you. So what I see even though I get triggered every now and again, when I get triggered, I see a trigger as a trailhead for further exploration. So rugged ARLIS of the rationalization I have how I rationalize or whatever rational lies I tell myself, I say that this gave me the opportunity to allow this emotion to come up, it's already inside of me. Thank you. Gratitude is the highest state of receivership, even though I'm pissed off. I'm grateful for this moment, because I can see myself more clearly. So thank you for giving me that opportunity. They're only there for you to, for you to understand that the other is a reflection of you and you are a reflection of them, they are only there to reveal to you who you are, regardless of what's going on. Which is why in relationships, you know, oftentimes you'll see a pairing between like, if it's a trauma, if it was a traumatic relationship, you see a pair in between someone who's more of on a masochistic side, likes to, you know, don't really like it. But there's a part that does receive pain, and the other is more sadistic and like to, to project out pain. And that's because the ego mechanisms for dealing with trauma, or suppression and repression, escapism, and expression, primarily. So escapism as you know, when we get into the drugs and whatnot, the expression is the projection where you see the full blown pouring of energy into the narcissistic ego. And so then the more narcissistic qualities of us begin to manifest where we don't even care when the empathy goes down. Because it's it's us embracing this animal instinct. So the more egoic you become, the more animal like you become that compassion, all of that ego don't see any reason for that there's no value in these things. Again, it's it's operating from fear, that frequency of fear. So you become more sadistic when you engage with the ego, and you begin to express and project and think everything is everybody else, and nothing is going on with me. It's about everybody else. And you see that, that personality disorder when you see people who are like, legit, have a legit, like, legit have the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder, what you see is an adult in the mode of the terrible twos, because it's at the age of two, that the that us as this human spirit, we really embody the ego around those age age, too. That's why it accompanies the terrible twos. But what you see is the terrible twos and a full grown adult. And that's because they lost in a ego. You know, but we don't see that we don't see the two yo, we see the adult and we say the adult is behaving like a two year old. No, they're stuck in a two year old space like they are stuck in this state, which makes it dangerous, can be dangerous. Because if you gave a child the keys to a Corvette and let them drive on the street, I mean on on the interstate, they can crash into some people, some people gonna get hurt, you know. But again, it's not what's going on inside of that person. We always got to remember that because condemnation does not liberated on the further oppresses, I got a tattooed on my arm love never fails. We just got to understand how to be loving to these people. Because those who are the hardest to love are the ones who, who needed the most, Heidi said, also reminds me of the two wolves analogy, seeing the reflection in the water. Yeah. Are you familiar with the tools?
Andrew Dewar
I'm familiar with? I'm thinking of like, the two dogs one is the one that comes to mind where which one? Do you feed the love or the hate and which one wins when you you feed?
Harry Turner
The same? That same for the wolves? I
Andrew Dewar
wasn't aware of that. And never been so good like that? Yeah, you know, I think if we were to break it down a little bit, I don't know if you're gonna agree with me or disagree with me on this. But when you are standing there, and you're thinking to yourself, they did this to me, they did that, to me this it's this, that and the other thing, what are you actually doing? You are giving your power to everyone outside of you. You are assuming no responsibility for your own life. And that's it's okay. I mean, somebody's gonna hear that and they're gonna go well, no, I do. But if, if Agnes and accounting is the reason why you never get paid, and Jim at this place is a crook and this person and if all you're dealing with people that you know, are trying to rip you off, and that's your belief, and you're blaming everyone, I'm just using money as an example because it's one we usually can relate to. If we're thinking everybody else is trying to get our money, then suddenly maybe it's not everybody else maybe it's your belief system around that maybe it's how you view yourself and worthiness maybe there is a very easy fix than trying to go get Agnes and Karga and all the other things I don't know why pick the name Magnus I literally don't know anybody with that name maybe. So this is the kind of stuff like when you're giving your power away when you blame everybody else. It's not about you being at fault and I think that's the thing we all got our ego wants to defend us no matter what I think. I can't remember who said it maybe Marcus Aurelius but it's like the egos job is to kill everything but itself and that can go for your soul's purpose like it can look at things like no I don't want to do this. I need to do this other thing that gets me attention when you can brought back to yourself and go, Look, I am taking back my power from the world around me, I am going to accept that I can look at things differently. It's maybe not like instantaneously. But I am going to examine my thoughts and why I have these beliefs around things. And then doing that, I am going to be able to reclaim my power and start living from within instead of from without, and we talk about that with five year you, we have what we call the layers of life and how most of us live on the outer layer, which is the stuff and getting into that kind of internal part of you that finding your soul and then coming from a soul outwards. Oh, I can't hear you. Not
Harry Turner
only my banners throw you off, man. Okay, I thought it was banners out there, there was a band is out there, I'm gonna throw it off. But that goes into this. And I'm gonna have to skip over a few questions. He asked me to time. But could you share a step by step approach that someone could start today to move beyond their limiting beliefs and grow into the best version of themselves?
Andrew Dewar
Yeah, absolutely. The first thing is awareness. You can't fix you can't overcome something that you don't know is there, the fish doesn't know it's in water, you know. And when we have that, the first thing you have to do is bring awareness to yourself and doesn't have to be you do not have to build Rome in a day, you just have to find the first brick. And then you're going to dust that brick off a little bit and go deeper. So one of the things I see quite commonly is somebody will come in with a money belief. And when you come in with the money, believe it's not about money, money is just energy. And it's what you you know, we've been talking about that it's what you put out is the energy, it's the value, it's everything you want. So pick that. Let's just pick that and go in on it. Because I think it's better with an example. So if you go to money, and you're like, I just can't make more money. Well, why can't you make more money? It's just, I can't do anything. Well, why can't you do anything? Because I'm not worth it. But why aren't you worth it? Well, because I'm going to shorten this down a lot. You know, I'm not worth it. Because my great four teacher always told me you're not worth it. And you know, like, you're dumb and all this and Okay, well, was that the first time somebody told you? He was it was not worth it? No, who was it? It was my friend Jimmy, he you know, he got $5 for his for you know, cleaning the yard? I didn't get anything. So clearly, I have no worth now, us as adults will look at that and go, Well, yeah, that makes no sense. But we're not dealing with a rational mind, we're dealing with an emotional child that filled up an empty bucket of not knowing why that was happening, and putting it in. So there's lots of different techniques, if you are going to batter's Okay, ignore what a ban got on my train to read, who came to me with that, and we had a quick talk about stuff. And when you become wanting to work, when you accept that you have, it's the stuff inside you that needs to change, not the stuff outside you. And that your world is a reflection of your beliefs and the way you live your life, then we can start working, what I would do is muscle test. And there's a bunch of different ways to do that I do it online, I do it in person online is much easier, because we just do like the sway test and if you've ever seen that or not, but it's it's fascinating. Again, this is stuff that I would not have believed two years ago. So just just putting that out there. But I have been able to uncover more and more beliefs with this stuff. And so I would go, Okay, I am, I am worthy, I would test and I would I would test negative on that. And then I would go I'm afraid to be worthy. Because maybe there's a fear aspect in that maybe you are afraid of what happens when you feel worthy, we're more afraid of our greatness than we are of our of our failures. We just don't want even look on that side of the spectrum. We just want to focus on you know, I can't do this because I'll fail. It's like, No, you're really afraid of something else. So then we going back we go okay, well, you know, we would muscle test and go do you know, I know what being worthy feels like, and they don't. And when you realize that this person has never known what it feels like to be worthy, or in my case safe or valued or acknowledged or self love. That's when we get to the real belief. And then through Theta Healing, I use power of prayer and I create witness which is a whole quantum physics thing that we don't have time for. But we will bring in that feeling so you know what it feels like to be worthy. And we can remove the beliefs of I am unworthy, replace it with worthy and then we can test things around that. And as that happens, we keep muscle testing to make sure it's stuck and if it hasn't stuck, we're going to dive deeper maybe it's not worthy. Maybe it's something else but that's kind of how I go and if for Yes, kinesiology. exactly it. Just I'm sorry, dude. You're showing me flashing words. I haven't looked at my phone and our Every single time I sit down to tell me not to do something, I just do it. It's not here in the know.
Harry Turner
When we go ahead, no, no, no, no, you go finish. Yeah, so
Andrew Dewar
what I'm just saying is what you've done there. And the process is the process. I've started playing with the Emotion Code in the last couple of weeks, and I've been releasing stuff. Sometimes we have beliefs, they're not just stored in our lifetime. They can, they're, there's like, you carry beliefs on four different levels, you carry them on your core level, your life, this thing you have existed in, you carry it on a genetic level, you carry it on a societal history level, and you carry it on a soul level. So some, like, I was doing muscle testing just really quick, on this feeling this past weekend with another practitioner. And I'm like, I've never felt worthy in a relationship. I said, I test feeling worthy and stuff. And what we ended up having to do is go back and back and back. And it came from like, my great, great, great grandmother. And I like and who, you know, this person was a medium was able to see all these things. Again, I can think of a pink elephant, because it's there. Now I'm thinking,
Harry Turner
are you telling me this story, it I start juggling, it's Heidi silly Heidi silly.
Andrew Dewar
So much fun. So when we do that kind of stuff, I you know, so I'm carrying around my, you know, nine, great grandmother's belief that, you know, you always had to do a bunch to be valued in relationships, she never got that. And somehow that is in my aura, my, my history, and then you release it. And then suddenly, I'm walking around this week going, like, you know, you know, like, this is, you feel different, you get tested on it afterwards, because your egos want to gonna want to go back to the normal, that's normal. But when you know, these tests are happening, you can rise up to them. And it's when you overcome that test, that time you're showing, you're showing yourself, you're showing the universe, yes, I can overcome this thing. Because I'm a new me. I'm rising to this challenge. Now that I know that it's there. A lot of times, we don't know that we're being challenged with the ways we are sorry, that was a little long winded. But
Harry Turner
no, I know, you got your phone, you gotta
Andrew Dewar
keep reading it, I can't help it. Okay.
Harry Turner
And also, I am going to invite you back, I'm going to invite back all the guests after I have the show with them. So I'm invited back to a group, you know, circle where the outlier tribe, you know, can ask questions, this is gonna be open and nuttin plans, like no specific questions, but I want the audience like the crowd, the crew, the tribe to you know, ask whatever questions they want to ask you out. So I'm gonna invite you back for a second time. It's gonna be more closed in though. Okay. Not closed in but you got to be you got to be an outlier. You know, you got to be an outlier. So just sign up for the mailing list. You know, join the mailing list. You want it? Oh, yeah, that's right. I put you on it. I put you on it. Don't even free to unsubscribe.
Andrew Dewar
I love it.
Harry Turner
So you had a few comments, you know, being the cycle breaker. And oh, she's also said, that's so cool. And yes. A pro. Oh, that's no, that's Catherine. Catherine. Hey, yeah. Hey, Catherine. Catherine Collins says that is so cool. Andrew. And Heidi said Private q&a. Yes, that's it with the outlier. Tribe. Thank you. Yeah, Private q&a. Because I really, it's the the word Seung ha came to me and which is community, you know, and community, I have been horrible. Um, I'll be honest, I've been I've not been the meat to the machine to the language. I've been unskillful I've not practice remaining connected to other people. And so now is a time after I've had my little hiatus. And, you know, the whole, I had like, a whole six months over the past year where I just, I just was deep into like, in a reflection and whatnot. And now that I've come out of that, that's why I'm recording now, now that I've come out of that. That's one of the things that came out of that meditative period is it's time to build a song. And I'm like, I don't, I'm not the best at staying connected to anybody, not even family, you know, so to build a community, but again, anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. So I'm going to build this community, and you will be invited back to that community. So you can tell more, talk more about data healing and everything else. Okay.
Andrew Dewar
That sounds great. And the best part I heard about that is that there is not going to be structured questions because I failed miserably on that in the test today. So
Harry Turner
You did not fail miserably. You're being overly critical you answer the questions. You just it just the bads distract you. I'm used to ignoring the bandhas at this point, you know, because I've been doing it for a little while. So, but it was distracting at first for me to, you know, in the comments to in the comments, you know, but after a while, it's like, it just flows, you know, I like to see a lot. That's it. And I don't have, ah, pain. I'm gonna go ask this last question. Okay. All right. What message would you like to leave our audience with, especially those who might be struggling with their own limiting beliefs.
Andrew Dewar
If you're struggling with your limiting beliefs, you're not alone, the choice the acceptance of an a limiting belief and acknowledging that you have it is the first step. So you're further ahead than 99% of people out there, find out what calls to you, if talking to me has helped great reach out at five year you.com. If you find Harry is great, easy, Harry's amazing. So whatever you're feeling, if there's somebody you know, start expanding your mind for these limiting beliefs and start looking for what's coming in, you have soul family that you don't see, you may not even believe in, if you're watching this, I didn't. But then suddenly, when I opened up to the possibility, the right thing, start showing up at the right times, and you're receiving this message, read that right now. Because you are meant to hear it, you have already started to release your limiting beliefs, you may not have known the next step, maybe you know it now maybe something else has come in, whatever that is, embrace it, move on. Take the next step. Whatever it is, it doesn't have to be a giant leap, you can just inch out a little bit and make sure the ground is still there. That's how I had to do things. I didn't just get to this point, I started taking little step by little step. And then it got to a point where I'm able to release limiting beliefs, identify them in minutes and release them in the same day, rather than struggle with them or blame the world. Once you own your personal power with this, once you start to acknowledge that you have limiting beliefs, you're in the 1%. And when that happens, magical things will happen. So keep going. If you don't know what to do just go a little bit at a time. I did not look at the comments this time. I did like did you turn them off this time? Or
Harry Turner
just stop? Because as soon as I click the car, oh, thank you, Catherine. This is you know, this is this is true. This is truly been fun. But you know what you're saying about limiting beliefs. You know, they come up in many forms, that's the thing about the ego is that we're tied into our survival mechanism is deceit, the ability to deceive predators, or survival, but in the with the gift of being able to deceive predators, we also achieve the burden on the flip side of that being able to deceive ourselves. And so the worst lie we can tell is a lie to ourselves. Yeah. And so a limiting belief, you know, it comes up in many forms. One of them is excuses. You know, one, one person, I don't know who it was, it said this, but all knowledge comes from the beginning. But he said, a limited excuse is a bridge way to a limiting belief, you know, so you know, how limiting beliefs pop up. And for me, truth is in alignment with love, love and truth of marriage. So, if love and truth are married, part of the limiting beliefs, but he's a way for me to identify my limiting beliefs, or when I'm having thoughts about different things, and it does not sound like love at all. No. Now I know that I'm looking at fear false evidence appearing real, it appears real to you, it really does seem true. Whatever it is that you're thinking on low frequency, you feel it like, and that's because the ego is the experiencer. So you experience whatever thoughts you put out there. But I've learned through hypnotherapy that all hypnosis is self healing, self hypnosis. And so just like you can attach yourself into a low frequency, you can begin to hypnotize yourself and reprogram yourself and update your algorithm right on through the different levels to a higher frequency.
Andrew Dewar
You know, never too late to change.
Harry Turner
Never Never brother, again. It's been a pleasure, man is anything else you want to say before we end this man? know
Andrew Dewar
if we have a podcast too, but it's called Five year you and we're just starting out. It's if you like, what you'd like my voice or you just like what I'm saying or neither. And you just want a good laugh. Come on over and we talk about personal growth and becoming the best version of yourself and five years, one day at a time.
Harry Turner
That's what I'm talking about. Yeah, man. It's been a pleasure to have you on this very special episode. Andrew. Anwar Andrew duar.
And I appreciate y'all outliers out there. Thank you all for showing up. Thank you all for the comments. Thank you, Catherine. Thank you, Heidi, and everyone else that that view this live stream. Again, this is a live stream this season that this is the first time I'm going to where the outlier crew can come in and make comments and ask questions. So please, when you hear about these when I broadcast these, if you're available, please show up and ask whatever questions you want to ask. Just know that it's being recorded. Outside of that, you'll know that my mission statement is to assist others in developing the audacity to live unapologetically authentic, and a life of authenticity is a life of skillfully living through your values. Again, a gold attachment my value is meaningless. It's about living in purpose and living in truth, which is in alignment with love because love and truth is married. With that I will say, I'll see y'all soon outliers, Mad Love and respect. We are as we continue another chapter of Is that so? I hope our journey today has left you with more than just thoughts but a call to live intentionally, live intentionally deeply, authentically and truthfully. The path of self discovery of Self knowledge is infinite elaborate, where each turn reveals more of who we are and can be that this conversation be a lantern in the dark guiding you back to yourself time and again, until we meet next outlier. Continue to seek question and live in the profound truth that defines your existence. Agave and stay lit. They've been through