From Self-Awareness to Wholeness: Diving Deeper into Jungian Types and the Path to Overcoming One-Sidedness

Jul 26, 2023

Building upon our understanding of Carl Jung's cognitive processes and attitudes of Extraversion and Introversion, it's time to journey further into the profound depth of Jungian typology. This exploration takes us towards the refined map of human personality known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the journey to overcome a critical pitfall in personality development: one-sidedness.

Decoding the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator:

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a psychological tool devised by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter, Isabel Briggs Myers, was inspired by Jung's theories on personality types. This instrument provides a typology consisting of 16 unique personality types. These types emerge from the interaction of four dichotomies: Extraversion/Introversion (where we direct our energy), Sensing/Intuition (how we process information), Thinking/Feeling (how we make decisions), and Judging/Perceiving (how we deal with the world).

Each personality type, represented by a unique combination of four letters, offers insights into how an individual perceives and interacts with the world, processes information, makes decisions, and structures their life. It's crucial to note that no type is superior or inferior to another. Each type has its own set of strengths, weaknesses, and unique viewpoints that it brings to the human experience.

Overcoming One-Sidedness: The Journey to Wholeness:

Carl Jung cautioned about the dangers of 'one-sidedness,' a state where a person relies excessively on their preferred or dominant function, thus neglecting their inferior functions. This lack of balance could result in a limited perspective and hinder personal development.

To move beyond one-sidedness, we need to strive towards the integration of all aspects of our personality. This includes acknowledging and developing our less dominant cognitive functions. Jung referred to this journey towards balance and wholeness as 'individuation'.

For example, if you lean heavily towards Thinking, making decisions based on logic and reason, you might neglect the Feeling side, which considers human values and emotions. To achieve balance, it would be beneficial to consciously incorporate emotional considerations into your decision-making process. Similarly, if your Sensing function dominates, you might excel at dealing with concrete facts but overlook the abstract possibilities that the Intuition function can perceive. Cultivating your intuition would broaden your perspective and enhance your problem-solving abilities.


Diving deeper into the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the concept of one-sidedness propels us further on our journey of self-discovery and growth. Recognizing our MBTI type, understanding the need for balance in using our cognitive functions, and striving to overcome one-sidedness can guide us on a path to personal and professional development.

In our upcoming masterclass, "Update Your Algorithm", we will dive deeper into these intriguing concepts. Together, we'll identify your MBTI type, understand how to recognize and overcome one-sidedness, and set you on the path towards Jung's ideal of psychological wholeness. Join us for an enlightening exploration of your mind and personality.

Agape and Stay L.I.T.



  1. Mental Functions: Just like our body has different ways to react, our mind has different ways to understand and judge the world. According to Carl Jung, these ways are thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuiting.

  2. Extraversion: Imagine a friend who loves being around people, always active and expressive. That's what extraversion is all about, directing energy and attention outward.

  3. Introversion: Now picture someone who enjoys their own company, is introspective and often quiet. That's introversion for you, focusing energy and attention inward.

  4. Ambiversion: Ever met someone who's a bit of both? Loves hanging out with people but also needs some alone time? That's an ambivert for you, swinging between being social and loving solitude.

  5. Cognitive Processes: These are like different gears of a car that we switch to engage with the world. Carl Jung gave us eight such gears or ways, formed by mixing the attitudes of extraversion and introversion with the mental functions.

  6. Extraverted Thinking (Te): Imagine making decisions purely based on facts, like a judge in a courtroom. That's extraverted thinking, using external, objective logic.

  7. Introverted Thinking (Ti): Picture someone who is always deep in thought, reasoning things out in their head. That's introverted thinking, relying on internal reasoning.

  8. Extraverted Feeling (Fe): This is like being a diplomat, making judgments based on external values and focusing on the emotions of others to create harmony.

  9. Introverted Feeling (Fi): This is like being an artist, making judgments based on your own, deeply-held values and focusing on authenticity.

  10. Extraverted Sensing (Se): Imagine being completely aware of everything around you, right now, in this moment. That's extraverted sensing.

  11. Introverted Sensing (Si): This is like having a mental library of past experiences that you refer to for understanding the present. It's all about routines and consistency.

  12. Extraverted Intuition (Ne): Picture someone who always sees multiple possibilities and connections around them. That's extraverted intuition.

  13. Introverted Intuition (Ni): This is like being a visionary, seeing the unseen patterns and understanding how things will likely unfold.

  14. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): It's a personality tool, like a really detailed quiz, that uses Jung's cognitive processes to figure out your personality type out of 16 possibilities.

  15. One-sidedness: This is like going to the gym and only working out your right arm, neglecting the rest. According to Jung, this is when we overuse certain functions or attitudes and don't balance out with others.